Yusei Kikuchi, a pitcher of the Blue Jays in the major leagues, started the game against the Rays and became the winning pitcher for the first time in a month and a half with a good pitching of 1 goal in the 6th inning, and won the third victory of the season.

Pitcher Kikuchi started on June 30 in the same American League eastern rival, Rays, in Toronto, Canada, in the middle of the 4th.

On this day, the control of the task was stable from the start, and pitching with a fastball and a sharp changing ball kept the score up to 3 times.

In the 4th inning with a 2-point lead, he lost 1 point in a home run when he was caught by a changing ball that floated higher from 2 outs to the 5th batter, but in the 5th inning, he held down with 3 people and got the right of a winning pitcher. I made it.

In the 6th inning, he was hit for the first time in a row and invited a pinch of no-out first base and second base, but with the help of his teammates' good defense, he survived without any runs and got off the mound this time.

Pitcher Kikuchi threw six innings and scored one goal, hit four hits, walked one, and struck out eight strikeouts this season, reaching a total of 400 in the major leagues.

In the match, the Blue Jays won 4 to 1 and pitcher Kikuchi won for the first time in a month and a half since May 16, with a total record of 3 wins and 4 losses and an ERA of 4.74 this season. ..