Major League Angels Otani 3 hits in a row, 12 hits at 12:52

Shohei Otani of the major league, Angels, started at the Athletics match on the 11th with the No. 5 designated hitter, hitting two hits and marking multiple hits in three consecutive games.

On the 11th, Otani participated in the athletics match at home in Anaheim with No. 5 designated hitter.

Otani chose the foreball for the first right bat at the starter's right pitcher, and hit the front in front of the light for the second bat at four times while losing his position due to a change-up on the out course.

In the following third inning at bat 5, he caught the second pitcher's fastball, hit the second grab to hit the carry in front of the light, and decided the second stolen base this season.

The 4th bat at 6th was a left fly, and the 5th bat at 8th was a strikeout.

Otani has improved with 4 hits, 2 hits and 1 steal, and has marked multiple hits in 3 consecutive games, and his batting average has increased to 20 minutes 2 minutes 4 hits.

The match was won by the Angels 6-0, making it two consecutive wins.