The first meeting of the Liberal Democratic Party's executive headquarters, which Prime Minister Kishida considers to be an important issue, was held. I showed the idea to go.

The Liberal Democratic Party newly launched the "Party Reform Implementation Headquarters" in response to Prime Minister Kishida's raising party reform as an important issue, and held its first meeting on the 25th.

Secretary General Mogi, who is the general manager of the headquarters, said, "We will continue to create rules suitable for modern political parties, such as restrictions on the term of office of party officers and the governance of political parties. ..

On top of that, Mr. Mogi set up a working team with outside experts to formulate a "governance code" that guides organizational governance following a private company, and created a mechanism to solicit opinions from the general public. He showed his thoughts on working on it.

In addition, former Minister of Justice Uekawa, who chairs the person in charge of business, said, "The growing dissatisfaction of the people with politics is not negligible. I would like to make various efforts so that the people will appreciate it." rice field.

Looking ahead to the House of Councilors election next year, the Executive Headquarters wants to show concrete measures by the end of the year and appeal the party's stance.