Regarding the waiting period at home, etc., which is required of close contacts of Omicron stock, Komeito representative Yamaguchi should flexibly respond to whether people other than so-called "essential workers" can shorten the period in order to maintain socio-economic activities. I showed the idea that it was.

At a press conference on the 25th, Komeito representative Yamaguchi said, "A final tax return is about to begin, and some people are involved in the filing affairs." It may be an "essential worker". The business operator who declares it is also a party, and if it is necessary to wait due to close contact, the procedure will be hindered. "

In addition, he said, "In general, I would like to ask the government to carefully consider whether the waiting period can be further shortened based on the specialized viewpoints such as the incubation period and infectivity of Omicron strains, and then take measures." In order to maintain activities, he said that people other than so-called "essential workers" should be able to shorten the waiting period or respond flexibly.