Larissa Slaei - Beirut

How do you eat Eid cakes and sweets without fear of gaining weight? A question that many women want to keep fit after the month of fasting, without risking not tasting some sweets or Eid cakes.

Challenging temptations

Zina Jaradi is one of the women who maintain their graceful body and does not exaggerate their health and beauty. She says with full confidence, "I am the owner of this decision and responsible for preserving my health and grace, so I resist the desire to taste Eid sweets, and I am keen to stay on the strict system to avoid weight gain."

Zina challenges all the temptations that come from sweets in the first class, including Al-Maamoul, Konafa and the fatty Arabic sweets that are difficult to resist, avoiding eating them for fear of digestion problems first and overweight second.

Zeina also seeks to achieve a balance during the Eid period to avoid weight gain, by focusing on vegetables and proteins with few starches, "so I do not give up until I do not have the problem of gaining weight," says Zeina.

I do not deprive myself

Fadia Wehbe is one of the women who are keen to take care of their outward appearance but without feeling deprived. She says, "I am not obsessed with the harsh diet nor the adoption of a strict diet, I eat all meals even fatty ones in small quantities so that I do not fall prey to excess weight, and I wait for the period of Eid Al-Fitr to taste the work Stuffed with all kinds of and difficult to resist. "

It turned out that it could increase her weight by about two kilograms, but she quickly exercised to burn all the accumulated fat without depriving herself of the delicious taste of all sweets and cakes, as she put it.

Weight gain during Eid al-Fitr

During Ramadan, the body gets used to a certain diet and to refrain from eating and drinking for long periods during the day.

Eid Al-Fitr comes to change this diet suddenly with its fatty foods and various sweets, which may lead to health problems that affect agility.

Dietician Nevin Allam gives you a series of basic tips for maintaining health and fitness on Eid Al Fitr:

10 tips to avoid weight gain

1. Not to refrain from eating sweets while not overeating to avoid being overweight, as it consumes massive amounts of calories and harmful saturated fats.

2. It is preferable to make sweets at home, including the stuffed dates and pistachios, as they are healthier and more delicious than ready-made sweets.

3. Adopting intermittent fasting after the end of Ramadan, and eating daily meals in small quantities, so that the body gets used to the new system.

4. Then gradually increase the amount to avoid diarrhea, indigestion and stomach pain.

5. Avoid fatty foods rich in fat, such as fried foods and high-fat meats.

6. Choose foods that are easy to digest, that is, foods that do not disturb the stomach, such as vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in fiber.

7. Drink more fluids, especially water, to maintain body moisture and detoxify.

8. Avoid drinking large quantities of coffee during the day, preferring aniseed, mint, green tea, and chamomile instead.

9. Do exercises regularly to keep you fit and active throughout the day and burn the accumulated fat.

10. Avoid eating takeaway or fast food on this holiday because it is unhealthy.