It is Ung i Arjeplog who this summer offers cultivation plots to young people between 13 and 25 years.

The project is an initiative of Greger Öberg, library assistant and study coach in Arjeplog municipality.

He believes that this could be the start of a development where more than just young people start growing more vegetables in Arjeplog and make the municipality more self-sufficient in food.

Pick and make good dinner

Arjeplog, which is a municipality close to the mountains, is located on the border of the difficult-to-cultivate cultivation zone 8 - but there is nothing to stop the participants in the project.

For example, Meja Aheinen Vesterlund who is convinced that it will go well this summer.

- You will be able to go here and pick something and make a good dinner with carrots or arugula that you have grown yourself.

In the clip, you get to follow when the project participants plant the first vegetables of the year.