Data released by the National Film Bureau on January 1, 2022

The total box office of my country's movies in 2021 will reach 47.258 billion yuan

Among them, the box office of domestic movies was 39.927 billion yuan

Accounted for 84.49% of the total box office

6667 new screens added throughout the year

The total number of screens reached 82,248

The rapid recovery and development of China's film industry

The annual total box office and total number of screens continue to remain the world's first

The film "Changjin Lake" sparked a movie-watching boom

Become the box office champion of my country's film history

"Revolutionaries", "My Fathers and Me", "Above the Cliff" and other films are of high quality

Stimulate the enthusiasm of the broad audience to love the party and the country

Producer: Zhang Xudong

Coordinator: Xie Liang, Yang Jinxin

Reporter: Wang Peng

Poster design: Qiao Xin

Editor: Liu Yuanyuan, Zhu Shun

Produced by Xinhua News Agency