How urgent is the "double reduction", the "double increase" is just as important

  Guo Jie (Principal of Beijing Huiwen Middle School)

  The author mentioned in last week's column "Accurate Measures for "Double Reduction" to Promote the Development and Improvement of Student Quality" ("Beijing Youth Daily" on November 21) that the Ministry of Education promotes "double reduction" while promoting "double increase": first After reducing the burden of schoolwork in the school, increase the time and opportunities for students to participate in outdoor activities, physical exercises, art activities, and labor activities in the course arrangement and after-school services; secondly, in the certification of off-campus training institutions, sports and aesthetic education The training is classified as non-disciplinary training, and the time for students to receive sports and aesthetic training will be greatly increased.

  The Ministry of Education is promoting the "double increase" at the same time as the "double reduction", which in itself shows that there is an inherent close relationship between the two.

On the one hand, "double reduction" objectively provides conditions for "double increase". If there is no "double reduction" to further reduce the burden of students' homework and off-campus training in compulsory education, it will be difficult for students to participate more in sports, aesthetics, and sports. Time opportunity and cost input for study, exercise, and practice of labor and other projects.

On the other hand, the purpose of "double reduction" and "double increase" is highly unified. They are both to liberate students from overly heavy, complicated and mechanically rigid subject learning, and to increase sports, aesthetic education, labor, and social practice. The cultivation of growth-oriented quality and the shaping of abilities have transformed from "workers" and "test-taking machines" to talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art.

  It can be seen from this that the problem to be solved by "double reduction" is the starting point of the "double increase". How urgent the task of "double reduction" is, how important the role of "double increase" is.

  The head of the Department of Sports, Health, and Arts of the Ministry of Education took the enhancement of the prevention and control of myopia in students as an example, and analyzed the actual results that can be received in the coordinated promotion of "double reduction" and "double increase": reducing the schoolwork burden on the school and freeing up more students to participate in outdoor activities and activities. Time opportunities for sports, art, and labor; to reduce the burden of off-campus training, and students can receive more extracurricular sports and aesthetic education. These are enough to fundamentally promote the beneficial progress of students’ myopia prevention and control.

This is the case for preventing and controlling myopia in students, and the same for controlling the obesity rate of students. When there are fewer and fewer "small glasses" and "small fat piers" in schools, it can be seen as a clear evidence of the initial results of "double reduction" and "double increase".

  Doing a good job in the prevention and control of students’ myopia and obesity rates reflects the comprehensive consideration of the overall development of students’ quality.

The overall development of student quality, including physical and mental health, interpersonal communication, innovation and creation, overall organization, social participation and other aspects of quality development, can be strengthened and improved through "double increase".

The "double increase" promotes the development of students' comprehensive quality, which is not only reflected in the combination of subject education and non-disciplinary education (physical education, aesthetic education, etc.), but also in the combination of school learning and training and off-campus training practice, and is also reflected in the combination of school education and social education. Combine.

A good combination of these three aspects can be regarded as a standardized and complete education for students, and this kind of education is conducive to the long-term and all-round development of students.

"Double increase" is not only conducive to promoting the transformation of the "big education" model, but also conducive to the transformation of the concept of "big education" from the schools, parents, and society.

  One of the key points of the "double increase" is physical education.

Schools at the compulsory education stage and high school stage should strictly follow the national curriculum plan and curriculum standards to start a good physical education class (the state encourages basic education schools to offer 1 physical education class every day), continuously expand the curriculum, increase class hours and enrich the content of the curriculum .

We should actively coordinate and integrate social resources, and off-campus training institutions can provide students’ physical education and training services through government purchases and other channels; improve the mechanism of opening and mutual promotion of schools and public sports venues, and encourage schools and social sports venues to cooperate in opening sports courses; School and social resources, urban and community construction planning should give priority to coordinating students’ physical exercise needs, and so on.

  The second focus of the "double increase" is aesthetic education.

Aesthetic education is aesthetic education, sentiment education, and spiritual education. It is also an education that enriches imagination, cultivates humanistic spirit, and cultivates a sense of innovation.

The compulsory education stage should focus on stimulating students' artistic interest and creative ability, and cultivate students' healthy and upward aesthetic taste and aesthetic style; the senior high school stage should enrich the aesthetic experience, broaden the humanistic vision, and guide students to establish the correct aesthetic and cultural outlook.

The supply of social resources for aesthetic education should be strengthened. Schools should actively explore the cooperation with social public cultural and art venues and art academies to offer aesthetic education courses; integrate internal and external resources to carry out aesthetic education practice activities as a solution to the problem of "3:30" after school in primary and secondary schools. An effective way and an important carrier of after-school services for primary and middle school students.

  To strengthen the “double increase” work, the most urgent task is to increase public financial investment in compulsory education and high school sports, aesthetic education teachers, and teaching facilities and equipment, so as to make up for the shortcomings and shortcomings of school sports and aesthetic education resources.

According to the person in charge of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Ministry of Education, the number of physical education teachers in my country has continued to grow during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, but the current shortage of physical education teachers is still huge. .

In addition, according to data released by the Ministry of Education, according to the national curriculum plan, the current compulsory education stage in my country’s aesthetic education teacher gap is 155,000, and the high school education gap is 100,000, and the total gap is more than 250,000.

  In addition, public finances should increase investment in extramural sports and aesthetic education resources, and promote and expand the participation of social forces in sports and aesthetic education, so as to effectively balance the cost of students receiving extracurricular sports and aesthetic education and training services.

At the same time, strengthen and improve the supervision and management of off-campus sports and aesthetic education training institutions to prevent excessive capitalization of off-campus sports and aesthetic education training fields and create new educational anxiety, and prevent sports and aesthetic education training from becoming a new off-campus training burden for students (and parents). Do not let "double increase" become a new "increased burden".