Many French people are getting ready to take their car to go on vacation this weekend. The day of Saturday is also classified black by Bison Futé. If each departure should be the opportunity to check your vehicle, the scorching temperature conditions make this step even more important.

Bison Futé anticipates it by classifying the day of Saturday in black: many French people will take the wheel this weekend to go on vacation. Often long journeys which, this year, will be under sweltering heat: nine departments were classified red in heat wave vigilance and 53 in orange by Météo-France, Friday. All the more reason, therefore, to do a few checks before setting off on the road.

Tires, oil and air conditioning

"You can do it all year round, but even more so when you go on a long trip loaded with luggage: check the tire pressure", recalls Yves Carra, spokesperson for the Automobile Club Association. "We always cold check it." The hot weather calls for extra vigilance on the air conditioning. "You have to check that it has the right liquid at the right level and have it changed or added if necessary."

On the air conditioning side, Yves Carra also advises to "clean the filters", which are real nests for dust and mites, terror for allergy sufferers and the best way to get sick during the journey if they are not well maintained. And "of course we check the oil and coolant levels, that's the minimum."

You are now ready to go on vacation with confidence, even in 40 ° C.