How "good students" are more sought-after

  The job search season is not only a test for 10.76 million fresh graduates, but also a must-answer question for all colleges and universities.

  Behind the employment numbers and employment rates shown in the annual employment quality report of a college is the future of individuals and even the fate of families.

  We are trying to understand what role colleges and universities should play in order to enhance students' employment competitiveness and even career growth.

In the eyes of colleges and universities, what are the responsibilities of employers?

Professional ability does not equal job-seeking ability

  Unlike many job seekers, Che Kunpeng, a fresh graduate of the University of Science and Technology Beijing, never uses a resume to "invest" in all companies.

  This job hunting season, he devoted part of his time to researching recruitment information and revising his resume in a targeted manner.

  Every resume of Che Kunpeng is different.

  For sales positions, he will write the internship experience of the sales company on his resume; for positions that emphasize hands-on ability, he will add the experience of participating in corporate projects with mentors.

"The purpose of adjusting your resume is to highlight the corresponding conditions you have according to the employer's style and job requirements."

  Liu Haibin, executive dean of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Education Research Institute of Northeast Normal University, said: "People often pay attention to the professional ability and skill reserve of job seekers, but ignore job-seeking skills. In fact, skills such as information search and resume making are also important factors for successful job-hunting. ."

  Zhang Chao, director of the Student Career Development Guidance Center of Tsinghua University, introduced that many colleges and universities have offered courses such as "Career Planning" and "Job Skills Training".

The former solves the problem of occupational concepts, while the latter provides practical guidance to job seekers, which is highly skilled and practical.

  However, in Zhang Chao's view, behind the job search skills, there is a deeper problem that needs to be solved - the mismatch of resources caused by asymmetric supply and demand information in the job market.

  Affected by multiple factors such as the epidemic, the employment opportunities provided by industries such as real estate, tourism and some small and medium-sized enterprises have shown a decreasing trend.

However, some units and enterprises are in urgent need of graduates in IT, electronic information, intelligent manufacturing, etc. This trend continues unabated.

  "The employment service of colleges and universities should develop in the direction of 'full chain', from providing employment courses, collecting recruitment information, to connecting with enterprises, returning to graduates and a series of work, should be taken into account." Zhang Chao said.

Employers show more empathy and care for job seekers

  From May 9th to 15th, the 2022 College Graduate Employment Promotion Week activities were held in many places across the country, including more than 15,000 job fairs held by colleges and universities in various regions, as well as more than 30 online job fairs and more than 10 industry enterprises. Special recruitment...

  At present, the recruitment docking mode between schools and employers is generally: holding large and medium-sized double-selection meetings; enterprises entering the school to hold special publicity meetings; some students have clear intentions for a certain company, and the school employment department or teachers directly recommend it, etc. .

  Not long ago, Wang Jin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, recommended several fresh graduates to a Zhejiang listed company.

After the interview, the company directly decided to admit two of them, and also gave special approval to increase the monthly salary by 2,000 yuan on the basis of the original 7,000 yuan.

But after a few days, the head of the company's human resources told Wang Jin puzzled that both students eventually gave up.

  After Wang Jin got to know it, he learned that a student thinks that the company has a low brand reputation and that the monthly salary has no obvious advantages.

The second student felt "a little far from home" after discussing it with his family.

  "Students didn't realize that the company originally wanted them to focus on training them in the direction of technical directors. It may also be that the company did not express clearly during the communication process. During the job search process, students and companies have different aspirations and paths. The phenomenon is relatively common and sometimes regrettable." Wang Jin said.

  On the whole, the requirements of employers for college graduates are basically within a reasonable range.

However, some employers simply use criteria such as academic qualifications, majors, and whether the school is "double first-class" in the initial stage of recruitment, and many resumes with high gold content are directly eliminated.

"This is a common method adopted by many employers in order to improve screening efficiency and save time and cost, but it also makes some excellent graduates miss opportunities." Wang Jin said.

  Zhang Chao said frankly that in recent years, the phenomenon of "high consumption of academic qualifications" has prevailed in society. Many employers require to recruit graduate students, but do not consider the degree of job matching and actual needs.

  What also troubles job seekers is that some employers have a long recruitment process, and the period from start-up to employment is long, and most of the written tests and interviews are staggered.

"In order to retain job seekers, many companies require them to pay liquidated damages in advance." Wang Jin added, "The liquidated damages of thousands or tens of thousands of yuan are undoubtedly a lot of money for fresh graduates who have no income. expenditure".

  On the one hand, Wang Jin said that he "understands the difficulties of enterprises", and on the other hand, he also suggested that employers "be aware of the character traits of today's college students, and have more empathy and care".

  "The current college graduates are all born around 2000. They grew up in a relatively wealthy environment, at least they don't need to find a job immediately to 'earn money and support their family', so there has been a phenomenon of 'slow employment' in recent years. At the same time, they have distinct personalities. , active thinking, well-developed skills, and relatively high requirements for their own needs and experience.” Wang Jin said, “If they are allowed to enter a job matching position, they can often burst out strong energy. In fact, post-00s are not short of struggle. Spirit."

Paying attention to demand, colleges and universities must also "run the market"

  Before graduation, Li Han, a fresh doctoral graduate of Tsinghua University, arranged for him to go to the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute for an internship, and follow the practice tutor to do the whole process of the project.

"The difficulty of the internship project is different from the difficulty of doing academic research in school. In actual work, many factors such as engineering difficulty, time, and cost must be considered. These are not noticed in the classroom." Li Handong said.

  If graduates are directly put on the job, how can adaptability be ensured?

  Liu Haibin analyzed that it is not only necessary to open up the "internal circulation" between college admissions, training and employment, but also to open up the "external circulation" between the higher education system and social needs, increase the practice of practice links, and improve the quality of talents that employers demand. Information is introduced into colleges and universities half a year or even a year in advance.

  The visit of the secretary of college principals to enterprises to expand jobs and promote employment is a "hard measure" deployed by the Ministry of Education this year to promote employment.

How should talent training in colleges and universities keep up with the market, and can social needs be quickly fed back to the majors?

  A few years ago, Liu Haibin and the school leaders went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to return to the employers.

They found that local international schools were in dire need of bilingual teachers.

After the group came back, they quickly researched and adjusted the training plan: adding bilingual teaching content to elective courses, and gradually increasing the proportion of English courses in compulsory courses.

"In the Jiangsu-Zhejiang area, the most important thing for graduates of our school to 'market' is to rely on a good foundation of bilingual ability." Liu Haibin said.

  Do colleges and universities also "run the market"?

Liu Haibin said frankly: "Universities at different levels have different orientations for talent training and scientific research, and also have different sensitivities to social and market needs. However, paying attention to the actual needs of employers is the basic requirement for talent training."

  In February 2022, the "Ministry of Education's Notice on the Announcement of the 2021 Annual Recording and Approval Results of Undergraduate Majors in Ordinary Colleges and Universities" shows that the addition and removal of majors involves a total of 2,765 majors, among which the adjustment of degree awarding categories or majors in length of study. 48, and 804 professional points were withdrawn.

According to the person in charge of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, the revoked majors are mainly majors that cannot adapt to the changing needs of the society and the employment rate is too low.

  Tsinghua University plans to launch a large-scale survey of graduate employment quality.

Zhang Chao introduced: "We want to respond to market and national needs through this survey. When appropriate, we will adjust and optimize the talent training process and professional settings."

(Reporter Chen Peng Zhang Sheng)