Wednesday, February 23, 2022-13:18

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This is how CaixaBank has understood it, aware of the situation and always committed to serving this group.

In this sense, it has become the

first bank in Spain to create a team of managers specialized

in the age segment from 65 years.

They have their own name: 'senior advisors'.

This is how CaixaBank's senior specialist works

The senior advisers who make up this specialist CaixaBank group not only have the necessary tools to help its more than four million customers over 65 with financial advice and other banking services on a day-to-day basis.

They have also received

specific training in gerontology

, with university approval.

A course designed together with Javier Yanguas, scientific director of the "la Caixa" Foundation's Program for the Elderly, so that senior directors acquire the appropriate skills to treat these people in the best way.

The senior client lives not only in finance

It is logical to think that these senior advisers would be willing to advise CaixaBank's elderly clients on financial matters, but it would be unfair to limit them to this task.

CaixaBank's senior directors will

provide a package of specific products and services and continuous support

to older customers through different communication channels, whether at the branch, by telephone (service always available) or even by digital means through through the CaixaBank mobile application, CaixaBankNow or directly through WhatsApp.

Likewise, CaixaBank does not neglect face-to-face service in senior care, aware that, although the digitization of services is unstoppable, many of those over 65 still

need human contact

to deal with economic issues that concern them on a daily basis .

A work that will be promoted in the coming months

Right now, CaixaBank has 750 senior directors throughout Spain.

In a month, this number will double to 1,500, and will continue to grow, with the goal of

reaching 2,000 specialists in 2023


The team has a support presence in all territorial addresses.

Additionally, and to increase efficiency in senior care, CaixaBank will increase the staff of its branches with 1,350 more people.

This team will collaborate in helping users from Bankia to use the

CaixaBank channels


All of them join a human team made up of more than 30,000 professionals who will continue to accompany all customers at all points of the commercial network.

Senior directors who expand CaixaBank's customer service

To this new team of senior advisers we have to add other packages of improvements to favor the user experience, such as the

elimination of time restrictions at checkout

, the prior appointment service to favor attention in all time slots, as well as the implementation of preferential care protocols in the offices for groups that require it.

ATMs have also been targeted by CaixaBank to facilitate the work of its senior customers.

In this way,

the menu of its ATMs has been simplified

, with direct access to its most common operations and the use of a larger typeface.

In addition, before the end of the year, CaixaBank has committed to making all of its ATMs work with a passbook, as this is the method preferred by older customers.

CaixaBank works every day so that the group of older people in our country continues to receive the attention it deserves.

The creation of this group of senior advisers and the package of measures specifically aimed at older clients are nothing more than proof of its commitment to the group, which joins other aid such as the

advance payment of pensions on 24 days

of each month.

In addition, the entity develops training workshops so that the elderly can learn to use the Internet for their daily operations.

In short, it is about achieving a banking model in which no one feels excluded.

Made by UE Studio

This text has been developed by UE Studio, a creative branded content and content marketing firm from Unidad Editorial, for CAIXABANK.

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