His Majesties the Emperor and Empress received an explanation of support for the poor in life at Corona Evil 4:17, July 17


Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress received explanations about the current situation and challenges from the people involved in helping those in need of life amid the ongoing effects of the new coronavirus.

His Majesties receive detailed explanations from experts in various fields as the effects of the spread of infection continue.

On the 16th, a representative of an NPO corporation based in Fukuoka Prefecture, which supports people who are in need of life, and an executive in charge of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare spoke for nearly an hour and a half.

He explained that there is a high possibility that non-regular employees who work while living in a dormitory will lose their jobs and homes at the same time in the future. That's right." or "It's really hard on the job site."

In addition, the Empress was keenly listening to the explanation that Corona is pushing for isolation, with a strong interest in the data that Japan is five times more socially isolated than the United States. about it.

Their Majesties listened for a great amount of time, and at the end they were given words of encouragement, saying, "It's really hard, but please do your best."