
Döbeln (dpa / sn) - FDP General Secretary Torsten Herbst leads the list of Saxon liberals for the federal election for the second time after 2017.

A state representative assembly elected the 47-year-old as the top candidate on Saturday in Döbeln.

For Herbst, who runs in constituency 159 - Dresden 1, 226 and thus 92.6 percent of those present voted.

Herbst sees a “realistic chance” to increase the number of the three FDP members of the Bundestag from the Free State.

"Germany needs a strong FDP in the Bundestag, which was also shown by the Corona crisis," he said.

The liberals fought like no other party to finally catch up with the world's best in digitization.

"Economic growth, educational and advancement opportunities must be given a higher priority," he named the goals.

"And we will continue to stand up against any unnecessary and excessive restriction of personal freedom rights."

Herbst called for the end of the “leaden time of a grand coalition” and “a real fresh start in federal politics” - that is only possible with strong Free Democrats.

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