The All Saints' Day weekend includes memorial services where the names of those who died during the year are read out.

This is a big weekend at church, but this year it will be different.

- There will be no large gatherings.

In some parishes, there are instead four or five devotions so that everyone can come, but not at the same time, says Lund Bishop Johan Tyrberg.

- It feels sad, but even though the churches may not be the places where the infection spreads most, we must be careful.

The virus makes no exceptions and neither can we.

Want to be close

Charlotte Winther is a priest in Landskrona parish.

She notices that Halloween is an important weekend for many.

- I usually move around the cemetery during the entire Halloween weekend.

There are usually many warm and dear reunions with people whose relatives I may have buried, she says.

- In the absence, you want to be close.

It is clear that there is a sadness in that it can not be so this time.

Lights candles as a service

This year, Landskrona offers a new service for those who want to light candles on a relative's grave, but cannot go there themselves.

The service is free and those who have asked for help will receive an SMS with a picture when the light is on.

Just over 50 have taken up the offer.

- It is so in all times of crisis that it becomes clearer to everyone what is really important, says Charlotte Winther.

- We all have a spiritual need, even if it looks different in different people.

I think that's why the church has become more important to many.