China News Service, June 3, according to the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism, Science and Technology Department issued the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Epidemic Prevention and Recovery Measures for the On-site Examination of Social and Art Level Examinations." The department determines whether to initiate the restoration of on-site assessment activities for social and artistic level assessment in low-risk epidemic areas. In areas with high-risk epidemic conditions, areas with greater uncertainty in outbreak risks, and areas with greater overseas import pressure, the on-site assessment activities should be suspended.

  The "Guide" proposes to develop this guide for orderly restoration of on-site assessment activities for social art level examinations.

  For the protection of candidates and parents, the "Guide" requires the implementation of appointment current limit measures. Examination agencies should carry out on-site examination activities such as registration, examination room arrangement, and certificate issuance through face-to-face methods. Strictly follow the epidemic prevention and control requirements and related parameter standards, determine the daily average number of people, and achieve the peak admission of students and parents. Establish a patrol system to promptly distribute and divert candidates to maintain a safe social distance. Provide medical protection, and promptly feedback and communicate with the nearest medical institution for suspected symptoms such as fever and cough.

  At the same time, the "Guide" also clearly stipulates the prevention and control management of the examination place, reduces the personnel density, and the maximum number of people in each examination room of the music basic knowledge and art major in the collective examination is 50, and the maximum number of people in the dance major is 10 people. The average area of ​​candidates in the waiting area is not less than 2㎡, and keep a safe distance. Strengthen disinfection and ventilation. Examination agencies should conduct high-frequency contact with public parts of the test site, such as the ground, elevators, door handles, stair handrails, and tables and chairs, musical instruments, test props, etc. inside the test room at least three times a day (morning, middle , Late) Clean and disinfect.

  According to the "Guide", examination agencies should conduct health monitoring on the staff, examiners and other groups who are in direct contact with candidates 14 days before the exam, focusing on monitoring for fever, cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea and other symptoms. Implement a "daily report" and "zero report" system to prohibit suspected symptoms from being employed and closely follow the progress of the disease.

  Examiners and staff should reduce unnecessary outings. When traveling and moving due to participating in examination activities, they must strictly abide by the relevant local epidemic prevention and control regulations, try to avoid dense crowds, and avoid staying in public places for a long time. It is necessary to strengthen the meal management of the examiner and the staff, and to implement the peak-shaking and scattered dining.