China News Service, Guangzhou, June 15th, title: Guangdong retired soldiers "turned around" to continue their work and continue to write their own characters.

  China News Service reporter Cheng Jingwei

  Two years ago, Liu Yong, a retired soldier, started from the Guangzhou Private Science and Technology Park and participated in the establishment of a robot company.

He is deeply rooted in the field of intelligent equipment, and his business covers light robots, handling and palletizing robots, ultrasonic equipment, mask machine-related equipment, and automated stamping and forging production lines.

"At present, the company has a good momentum of development, and it has solved more than 600 jobs." Liu Yong said.

  Recently, the reporter walked into the Guangzhou Private Science and Technology Park under the leadership of the relevant person in charge of the Department of Veterans Affairs of Guangdong Province.

The reporter learned from an interview that at present, the park has gathered 22 employment and start-up enterprises for veterans, attracting more than 240 veterans and solving the employment of more than 8,000 people.

Here, a group of retired soldiers have not faded after retiring from the army, and their ambitions to retire will not retire.

  At present, the park is applying for "Guangdong Province Veteran Entrepreneurship Incubation Demonstration Base" and "Guangzhou Veteran Entrepreneurship Incubation Demonstration Base".

As a state-level high-tech zone, Guangzhou Private Science and Technology Park has built a "Retired Military Entrepreneurship Incubation and Innovation Base" in the park, and set up an exclusive service window for receiving retired military personnel. , to provide full-chain services for veterans' entrepreneurial enterprises; through butler-style services, "retirement" and "employment and entrepreneurship" can be seamlessly connected.

  In the land of southern Guangdong, retired soldiers have worked hard to change their roles, actively adapt to the society, learn and master skills, realize employment and entrepreneurship, contribute to Guangdong's economic and social development, and continue to write the character of a promising soldier.

  At the Yatus Vocational Technical School in Heshan, Jiangmen, the reporter saw that the retired military personnel seriously participated in skills training such as forklift operation, electrician, video editing, Cantonese cooking, etc., to further improve their employment and entrepreneurial ability and enhance their confidence in development.

It is understood that up to now, the school has carried out 5 relevant trainings, a total of 237 retired soldiers have participated in the training, of which 226 have achieved employment and 21 have successfully started their own businesses.

  The relevant person in charge of the Jiangmen Veterans Affairs Bureau said that in recent years, Jiangmen has introduced a number of measures to actively promote the high-quality development of the city's veterans' work.

Among them, insisting on brand building work is particularly outstanding.

Up to now, the city has built 1,406 service centers (stations) for veterans, 3,782 enterprises founded by veterans (10% of which are small and micro enterprises), and 10 bases for employment and entrepreneurship for veterans and education and training (training) bases. .

  In order to help veterans better play their strengths, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs has successively introduced a number of policy measures in recent years to build a diversified platform for veterans to find jobs and start businesses.

Last year, the department carried out short-term training and middle and higher vocational training for nearly 10,000 retired soldiers, and more than 10,000 people were admitted to higher vocational colleges. Soldiers reached employment intention; issued 23.709 million yuan of business guarantee loans for retired soldiers.

  Many retired soldiers have not only achieved employment and entrepreneurship, but also helped the villagers and elders get rid of poverty and become rich.

In western Guangdong, Zhang Yuanqin, chairman of the Xinhua Chamber of Commerce in Maonan District, Maoming City, is a retired soldier.

At that time, after he retired, he chose to start his own business and became the general manager of a modern grain processing and logistics enterprise.

At present, its company has developed into a "National Key Leading Enterprise in Agricultural Industrialization" and a "National Demonstration and Processing Enterprise of Reliable Grain and Oil Entering Rural Areas and Entering Communities".

  Over the years, the company has established bases in Yichun, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Maoming and other places by implementing the model of "company + party building + base + farmers".

Zhang Yuanqin said that today, the company has established a high-quality rice base of more than 420,000 mu, which has driven more than 150,000 people from 26,000 households to become rich, especially more than 2,560 poor households have been lifted out of poverty and embarked on the road to prosperity.
