Gosuke Katoh, who has been playing in the major leagues and minor leagues under the Mets since this month, was promoted to the major leagues on the 17th.

Kato, a 27-year-old from California, was promoted to the Major League Baseball in the Blue Jays in his 10th year as a professional, and was the first Japanese fielder to enter the Major League Baseball without experiencing Japanese professional baseball. I also hit a hit.

Kato left the Blue Jays out of force this month, then moved to the New York-based Mets to play in the minor leagues under his umbrella, and was promoted to the Mets' first major league on the 17th.

On this day, Mets had a doubleheader playing two games a day with Cardinals at the base, and Kato pitched in the first game due to the member change that took place between the first and second games. Registered on behalf of the relief pitcher.

He has a number of "25".

Kato has the defensive power and speed that can be protected anywhere in the infield and outfield, and he started on the bench in the second game.