• Al-Nahda made important concessions, and we do not regret the policy of consensus
  • There are those who are looking for industry and they are the conflict of powers between Parliament and Carthage
  • Suspicious foreign media want to stoke the situation in Tunisia
  • We are still seeking to expand the current government and upgrade it to a government of national unity
  • Negative neutrality in the Libyan issue does not make sense

In a private interview with Al-Jazeera Net, Tunisian Parliament Speaker Rashid Ghannouchi spoke about his position on calls to dissolve parliament and withdraw confidence from it, and about what has become called "the departure sit-in 2", and he discussed the issue of his relationship with the President of the Republic and the truth of what is rumored about the dispute between them, and the secret of his adherence to the involvement of "the heart of Tunisia "In the government coalition, he addressed a message to his political opponents. He also touched on the course of events in the Libyan neighbor, and his position on what is happening there.

The following is the text of the interview:

- What is your position on the escalating calls from political parties and figures to dissolve parliament and topple the government and the so-called “sit-off departure 2 ″?”
- Lawsuits to dissolve parliament outside the constitutional text and out of law have a lot of confusion, and in their current context refer to plans to strike stability in the country and confuse institutions The state and disrupting the interests of citizens, which are plans that are no longer hidden from anyone, and that intersect with local and regional agendas to disrupt the path of democratic transition in our country, and to drop a unique experience that is undermining the coupists and anarchists. And what we are witnessing of campaigns of incitement and manufacture of illusions about protests in Tunisia in foreign media Suspicious, is further evidence of sabotage projects faced by the Tunisian experience.

As for calls to topple the government or withdraw confidence from the Speaker of the People’s Assembly, they are issues that are settled by the constitution and the internal rules of the parliament, and they are determined by specific procedures and arrangements that must be respected. Otherwise, we would go to chaos.

Tunisia revolution has become more intellectual, political and partisan movement, protest and all forms of expression - whether individual or collective - are the product of the freedom gain that the revolution brought, and a familiar aspect in democratic practice. Just as elected institutions of government have laws in their work subject to constitutional and legal controls, the opposition is also governed by law, and when the protest moves away from peacefulness and legitimate demands, this leads to chaos, harm to public security, and disrupts state institutions and citizens ’interests. Just as the state has a duty to protect the peaceful opposition and interact with it positively, it is called upon to address all manifestations of chaos.

- So ... they are unconstitutional invitations.
- The constitution defines formulas and mechanisms for dissolving the parliament. As for some people to ride a difficult economic and social circumstance through which the country and the entire world go through, and they seek to dress and try to institutionalize the fallacies and lies as real, and spread sedition, this is rejected and must be answered with condemnation and condemnation .. The Tunisian people are not One of his priorities today is to change the political system and not dissolve parliament .. The real priorities of citizens today are their legitimate aspiration to change their reality and improve their living conditions, find solutions to their problems in employment, develop infrastructure, upgrade public services, reduce prices, fight monopoly, and all aspects of brokering and corruption.

There is a near-political and popular consensus that the democratic path in Tunisia is more threatened than ever before by political parties trying to sow chaos, driven by foreign powers and Gulf states that are hostile to the Tunisian revolution and the Renaissance movement specifically .. Do you agree with this opinion?
- Yes, this is certain, and those who follow events and developments not only in Tunisia but in the whole region, unnoticed unnoticed what is being planned to spoil the wave of the Arab Spring and try to distort it and vilify it by supporting suspicious media and launching incitement and demonization campaigns, but the attack amounted to fueling conflicts and wars. Eligibility and support of mercenaries and militias of destruction and vandalism and their financing with money, weapons and equipment to strike at the stability of the countries in which popular revolutions occurred and to overthrow legitimate governments, as is the case today in Libya, and to return the region to coups and military rule, and this matter is not new, as it has been ongoing since 2011, and has witnessed Different phases.

Of course, every revolution finds someone who stands in the way of its success and reaching its goals .. In Tunisia, it is not only intended by the Ennahda Movement, the Parliament, or certain persons, but the target is the democratic model as a whole. In this respect, I can say that the magnitude of Al-Nahda’s targeting has only one indication, that it is a movement committed to democratic walk. Rather, it leads its locomotive and does its best - and makes concessions and sacrifices - in order not to stop that train.

What is your message to these people?
What everyone should know is that our country today is more immune to the reactionary forces, advocates of chaos and coups, as Tunisians adhere to their revolution, and the majority of them are convinced that the door to change and amendment is possible through the ballot box. We have noticed in the last elections an increase in the number of voters, and more importantly, it is the youth’s awareness of the need to engage in civil and peaceful political practice, away from the plans of sabotage and chaos.

Tunisia - by the grace of God - is in the direction of completing the components of its new democratic political system, focusing on the remaining permanent constitutional institutions such as the Constitutional Court, the Anti-Corruption Authority and the Audiovisual Communication Authority, and providing the necessary requirements for the local government system, and this will increase the experience of solidity and durability. But this does not mean ignoring the fact that the social and economic merit of the revolution has been disrupted, and there is a great awareness today among various actors that it is time to overcome the tensions and the actual start in winning the battle of development and economic and social advancement.

Frankly, did the Ennahda movement pay a heavy price for not passing the political isolation law and the policy of compromise that it pursued in all the post-revolution political stages of the country?
- Ennahda in its positions and movements has never and will never take into account the size of its partisan or electoral gains, but rather takes into account the interest of the country above all .. We have made important concessions on many occasions, we have sought understandings with the rest of our partners, and have established a policy of compatibility as a mechanism for managing The differences and the meeting on the major national priorities, on top of which are civil peace, calm, stability and avoiding the manifestations of clash and rupture ... God has helped us in the success of that policy, which is still an urgent requirement to confront the challenges that are many.

The nature of the Tunisian political meeting after the revolution imposes the preservation of the option of consensus, as it is difficult under the current electoral system to find a comfortable and strong majority able to govern on its own, everyone needs each other in all issues and issues, even those related to forming governments, so all the governments after the revolution Coalition governments.

We do not regret the option of rejecting exclusion or political isolation, as there are significant gains that resulted from that trend, including avoiding violent clashes, societal divisions and severe polarizations. And among them is the integration of all believers in the revolution in the context of democratic transition. The rejection of political isolation created a sort within the system of tyranny and corruption, and a majority convinced of revolution and democracy appeared to the surface, and only a few yearned for the past of eradication, authoritarianism, domination and corruption.

We have been since the revolution against exclusion and we will remain on the same conviction, as the country needs all its sons and daughters, and we will push all our efforts towards achieving comprehensive national reconciliation on the basis of revealing the truth, restoring the oppressed and making reparations for their material and moral harm, with the aim of turning the page of past past violations, and the collective orientation towards the future, as Neither the victim nor the perpetrator benefits from the continued hatred and hatred, or the feeling of injustice or oppression.

- What is the secret behind your commitment to include the "Heart of Tunisia" in the government coalition, despite the flood of criticism and opposition?
We estimate that our country still needs broad consensus and gathering everyone’s efforts in making national decisions and implementing development and reform programs. We do not defend any party or narrow interests for us or our party, but rather defend a major national interest that lies in grouping rather than separation and dispersal, and ensuring Governance institutions, especially the government, are well-run. So our goal is still to expand the current government and elevate it to the level of a government of national unity that includes everyone, because the government may not be able to face the difficult and complex circumstance that our country is going through, and which the Corona crisis has added to additional economic and social constraints, and it currently finds it difficult to pass draft laws and agreements in In the absence of a strong and solid parliamentary majority, there will be obstacles ahead in the days due to the absence of a strong political and parliamentary belt, and this will put national priorities in economic rescue and social protection and the provision of jobs and approval of the required reforms subject to obstruction or postponement, and the situation no longer allows this.

How do you describe your relationship with the President of the Republic in light of what is rumored about a power struggle between the legislative and executive institutions?
- Some are always looking for living in delusions, and politics is not driven by dreams or what one desires to happen .. Some are looking for an industry and they are a conflict of powers between the legislative and executive institutions .. Maybe that is what they want to happen, but the truth is the opposite, the relationship is strong between the institutions of governance in Tunisia, and the daily coordination between the Parliament and the government through the various structures and mechanisms of oversight and legislative work, and my meeting on Friday, May 29 (2020) refutes the falsehood of what some propagate of the existence of a dispute between me and Mr. President of the State.

Some do not like it except by sowing suspicion and trying to sow discord and indulge in repeating the cries of imaginary wars, and this approach will not benefit its companions, who must be aware that the state has its laws and prestige, and that those in charge of them are keen to serve and protect them, away from all narrow conflicts, and a reference to a constitution. The country and its laws. With the help of God, the coming period will witness further strengthening of coordination and consultation aspects, which will lead to a speedy response to the requirements of the stage the country is going through.

How did you read the speech of the President of the Republic, Qais Saeed, when he said that Tunisia has one president at home and abroad?
Yes, Tunisia has one president in a non-presidential political system, and the use of the term “three presidencies” is a correct use in terms of expressing powers and powers, which is to emphasize the separation of powers stipulated in the constitution and not to convey the meaning of its mixing, for power is divided by the constitution, and every president of the presidents has a field Jurisdiction and powers determined by the constitution, and in a democratic system, a person of authority does not seek to control the powers of another authority.

How do you see what is happening in the Libyan neighbor and the successive victories of Al-Wefaq forces in exchange for the defeats of Haftar?
It is true that the brothers in Libya are concerned with the conditions of their country, and they are called to create conditions to get out of their current reality, but Libya for us is a neighboring country with which we have extended social ties in history, and we have important economic and trade relations between us, and their security from our security and vice versa is also true.

We believe that the solution in Libya is a political solution, and war cannot achieve stability, but rather it deepens the gap between our Libyan brothers .. What is required is that the Libyan forces meet at the dialogue table and give up to each other, and draw a road map among them that guarantees the unity of the country within a framework of values Democracy, freedom, and coexistence, free from rivalries, civil strife, bloody coups, and fueling tribal strife. By virtue of the relations I mentioned with the brothers in Libya, we cannot remain idle, but rather we must encourage them to go to a peaceful solution.

Therefore, our position - which is the same as the official position of the Tunisian state - was and still is consistent with the orientations of the international community in supporting the legitimate forces that express the popular will in fraternal Libya, and this is what imposes communication with the internationally recognized government of Tripoli and the Parliament of Tobruk.

Negative neutrality in the Libyan issue does not make sense, so we called - and we still call - for positive neutrality by pushing the Libyan parties to understand and reach a political and peaceful solution.