
07 May 2021

Antonio Tajani in the storm for a statement on the family pronounced yesterday during the press conference organized by Forza Italia to present the 'Mamma è bello' initiative.

The offending sentence is: 'There is no family without children ...'.

Words that caused the harsh reaction of various followers on social media, starting with the Facebook page of the Italian national coordinator, and which, they say, would have aroused various discontent even in the party.

Tajani's apology today.

"I am sorry that some have misinterpreted a sentence of mine about the family, extrapolated from an intervention dedicated to the demographic crisis in Italy. To cope with this phenomenon, families, and especially women, must be enabled to avoid consider motherhood as an opportunity that undermines the right to work. And it is up to the state to help women in different ways (I am thinking of the nursery schools included in the Recovery plan). Adequate support would allow many families to realize the desire to have children. absence of this support, the role of the family would be limited, preventing them from looking to the future and the spouses from leaving a strong sign of their love.I have always fought in defense of the family and the role of women in our society. As always, I am a supporter of adoptions (even at a distance) which represent an act of love. Far be it from me to want to offend those who cannot have children. I have only tried to express an opinion - legitimate and which must be respected like all the others - on the issue of population decline. Without wanting to offend and discriminate against anyone. ”Antonio Tajani, National Coordinator of Forza Italia writes on Facebook.Without wanting to offend and discriminate against anyone. ”Antonio Tajani, National Coordinator of Forza Italia writes on Facebook.Without wanting to offend and discriminate against anyone. ”Antonio Tajani, National Coordinator of Forza Italia writes on Facebook.