The Ministry of Justice decided to expand the order to attach electronic devices, which was only possible for murderers, sexual assaults, robbers, and abductors of minors, to stalking offenders. 

The Ministry of Justice announced today (17th) that it has given notice of legislation for a partial amendment to the 'Act on the Attachment of Electronic Devices, etc.', which includes the attachment of electronic devices that can be tracked to stalking criminals as well.

According to the amendment, if the risk of recidivism of a person sentenced to prison for stalking is recognized, an order to attach an electronic device can be issued for up to 10 years at the request of a prosecutor and a court decision.

Even if the stalking offender is sentenced to probation, if there is a court order, the electronic device can be attached for up to 5 years.

In addition, the court must impose a 'prohibition of access to the victim, etc.' when issuing an order to attach an electronic device to a stalking offender.

However, there is no retroactive regulation in the amendment, so it does not apply to those who are already serving a sentence for stalking or have been sentenced to probation.

Enlarging an image

The Ministry of Justice said that although the Stalking Crime Punishment Act has been in effect since October last year, the actual number of related crimes continues to increase.

Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon said, "Stalking is a crime in which a convicted criminal is likely to re-offend against the same or similar victim, but it has been impossible to attach an electronic device to a stalking crime that requires the attachment of an electronic device." "Through this amendment, we will provide an opportunity for the state to effectively protect victims from stalking crimes. We ask for your interest in ensuring that the law is passed," he said.