Europe 1 is launching "Hondelatte tells PREMIUM" on Tuesday, a new paid podcast offer on the occasion of the creation of the Apple podcast subscription platform. 


Preview episodes, archives, bonuses… Europe 1 launches Tuesday, June 15 "Hondelatte tells PREMIUM", a new paid podcast offer on the occasion of the creation of the Apple podcast subscription platform. 

Subscribers will have preview access, and for 2.49 euros, to many content imagined and told by Christophe Hondelatte: the




of the next day available 24 hours before its broadcast on the channel of Europe 1, series themes, bonus stories and the show's best archives. 

With 5.4 million downloads (+ 6% compared to April 2021 and + 69% in one year according to Médiamétrie),

Hondelatte tells

is the most listened to story podcast in France.

Various facts, singular journeys and portraits of personalities ... Christophe Hondelatte tells stories every day that fascinated the French before dissecting them in the company of his guests.