After Bengal fire burned at the Frankfurt Eintracht cup celebration on the Römerbalcony, the police have now initiated several investigations against players of the team.

A spokesman for the authority said on Friday that the process had been examined in detail.

The result was that criminal charges were filed – against three players, but also against fans who had lit the forbidden torches in the crowd on the Römerberg.

"We cannot and will not make any distinction as to whether they are players or not," the spokesman said.

It is uncertain whether there will be penalties

The players are said to be Timothy Chandler, Goncalo Paciencia and Aymen Barkok.

TV pictures showed them burning red torches on the balcony during the celebration.

The police also documented the "happenings" during the cup celebration.

It is uncertain whether the players and fans will actually face a penalty.

The investigations are now being handed over to the Frankfurt public prosecutor's office, which must legally assess the incidents individually.

According to the police spokesman, it is possible that in the end it will not be a criminal offense but an administrative offence.

The police announced shortly after the celebration that they might start investigations into fans and players.

At the victory celebration, thousands of people cheered for the team from the Römerberg, previously also along the route of the car parade, which the city initially banned due to safety concerns expressed by the police and fire brigade, but then allowed it.