Since the corona pandemic broke out, Sörmlands Media has been trying to get information about the extent of the spread. This is to be able to examine whether the authorities have succeeded in the task of protecting the inhabitants, especially the elderly. Sörmlands Media was denied the information, which Nils Funcke believes is freedom of the press.

- What we also saw very quickly was that everyone was misleading in their writing and we started to wonder if they had talked to each other. Our review shows that this is exactly what has been done, says Eva Burman, editor-in-chief and responsible publisher at Sörmlands Media and continues:

- I do not understand what you are so afraid of. I think it may be about lack of crisis management. I can't see any other explanation.

The municipalities refuse

SVT Sörmland has sought all municipalities for comment. Those who have answered deny that a common strategy has been developed. Some municipalities, such as Oxelösund, say that they have decided on whether a document should be disclosed but never intended to withhold information. Other municipalities, such as Katrineholm, Flen and Eskilstuna, fully deny these accusations.

"I don't know about it," says Johan Lindström, head of the health and care administration in Eskilstuna Municipality.

- No, that's definitely not true. If there had been established documents and compilations, we would have disclosed these, writes Håkan Bergsten, the municipal director in Flen in an e-mail to SVT Sörmland.