Don't neglect the warning messages your body is trying to tell you

Our bodies send signals that we may have a physical or perhaps psychological health problem, and these signals are usually the basis for diagnosing a condition, illness or acute stress.

According to Gil Saltz, professor of psychiatry at New York Hospital, the mind and body are so interconnected that what affects our brain also affects our bodies. , make one feel nervous, nervous, high blood pressure, nausea and even shortness of breath, as reported by "Rosa Today".

“Over time, if stress persists and becomes chronic stress, the constant release of cortisol due to constant stress causes wear and tear on the body and a person may feel tired and exhausted and have various unexplained aches and pains, stomach aches and headaches,” Saltz says. depressed.”

And eatthis website mentioned a number of signs that there is a real health problem that the body may suffer from:

    skin changes

According to Winona board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Michael Green, skin changes such as rashes, discoloration and new growth should always be taken seriously.

 Skin changes can indicate anything from an allergic reaction to a serious illness or internal infection, and skin changes are often the first sign of diabetes, lupus, or liver problems.

“Diabetics often present with dark spots on the neck, armpits or groin, and lupus, an autoimmune disease, is usually associated with a butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks and nose. The appearance of the rash or jaundice may be a sign that a person's liver It does not work properly".

Green adds: "The skin is the largest organ in the body, and changes can indicate a larger problem. Always talk to your doctor if you notice something is wrong."

    feeling hungry

Nutrition expert Lindsey Tolles points out that feeling hungry may tell the body that it needs to sleep, and says: “Lack of sleep can increase ghrelin, our hunger hormone. It is important that we listen to this signal, as it is not the food that our bodies always look for. .


According to Tollis, fatigue can often occur after a long day, especially if it follows a restless night, but it can also indicate something more serious. Chronic fatigue can be a symptom of many underlying conditions such as a thyroid disorder, heart disease, or diabetes. .

"It's important to not only listen to how often your body is fatigued but also what may trigger your fatigue so you can take steps to address it," Tolles says.

    Muscle pain after exercise

“Muscle soreness after a hard workout can be a burden, and it often takes a few days to recover from it, but muscle pain is our bodies’ way of telling us we are making progress and getting stronger,” says Tolles. The muscle repairs itself and comes back stronger each time.”

    muscle spasms

Tulles stresses that muscle cramps are a common occurrence that happens to almost everyone, and it can be your body's way of telling you that you're overusing those muscles in a workout—you need more magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

But in some muscle symptoms such as swelling, redness or feeling of heat, it may help to know if we need to see a doctor.

    craving food

Tolis explains that feeling cravings for something like sweet or savory isn't always because of hunger, it can also be your body's way of expressing dehydration, stress or lack of sleep.

"Foods are often used to mask an underlying emotion or condition," she says. "The next time you feel a craving, try to stop and listen to what your body really needs before making an immediate decision."