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Listen to psychologists and teachers

sociologist, parent

what do you think of this

  Recently, the Ministry of Education officially issued the "Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan", which completely separated the labor class from the original comprehensive practice activity curriculum, and issued the "Compulsory Education Labor Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)" (collectively: the new plan).

  That is to say, starting this fall, the labor class will officially become an independent course in primary and secondary schools.

The new plan was released, and many "post-70s" parents and "post-80s" parents shouted directly: The labor class many years ago is now back!

  What does the new program mean?

How does the community view this matter?

On May 9, reporters from Shenyang Evening News and Shenbao All Media interviewed relevant people and interpreted this topic.

What is the content of labor class:

A total of ten task groups are set up

  According to the new plan, labor courses will be no less than 1 hour per week on average.

This course focuses on multi-dimensional evaluation content, diverse evaluation methods, and diverse evaluation subjects.

There are ten task groups in the labor course content, and each task group consists of several projects.

Among them, daily labor includes four task groups: cleaning and sanitation, sorting and storage, cooking and nutrition, and use and maintenance of household appliances.

Production labor includes four task groups: agricultural production labor, traditional craft production, industrial production labor, and new technology experience and application.

Service labor includes two task groups: modern service industry labor, public welfare labor and voluntary service.

Schools can choose to determine the number of task groups to learn in different school stages based on the actual situation.

For example, in terms of cooking: in the first school period (grades 1-2), participate in simple home cooking tasks, such as choosing vegetables, washing vegetables, etc.; in the second school period (grades 3-4), learn to make cold dishes and platters, Learn how to steam and cook, such as heating steamed buns, steamed buns, boiled eggs, dumplings, etc.; in the third grade (grades 5-6), cook 2-3 home-cooked dishes, such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fried eggs, stewed bone soup, etc. .

Data: Children who love to do housework have high employment rate

  During the interview, the reporter found that for those born after the 1960s and 1970s, there are labor lessons in the classroom since childhood, which is a part of learning, and doing housework is cultivated since childhood.

However, people born in the "post-80s", "post-90s" and "post-00s" have limited knowledge of labor classes.

  But in fact, labor classes and housework are an important part of cultivating personal qualities.

Scholars from Harvard University in the United States have done a survey and research and came to an astonishing conclusion that the employment rate ratio of children who love to do housework to children who do not love to do housework is 15:1, and the children who love to do housework have a divorce rate in adulthood. Low prevalence of mental illness.


Housekeeping Checklist Requests Are Practical

  After seeing the list of housework published by the Ministry of Education, many netizens feel that the requirements are very detailed and practical.

It is difficult for children to do it completely, and even adults may not be able to do some content.

  "My husband is 35 and hasn't reached third grade yet."

  "There are many things on this household chores list, and parents may not be able to do it."

  "It's worth educating children about common sense and basic abilities. It's better to do it gradually."


  Although they feel that the new plan is slightly more demanding, most netizens feel that it is necessary to cultivate children's living ability.

Parents said that the new plan was assessed and incorporated into the learning curriculum, and parents were willing to cooperate.

  A parent whose child is in the fifth grade of primary school said: "The checklist requires fifth and sixth grade students to have the basic ability to take care of themselves or their families, to be able to use most household appliances, to be able to do laundry and mop the floor, to cook a few simple dishes, and to be able to take care of sick people. It is absolutely necessary for my parents, my younger siblings to know how to use electricity, water and fire safely.”


Experiential education is important for children's growth

  In this regard, psychological expert Zhou Yongmei said that the new plan issued by the Ministry of Education allows children to receive experiential education as they grow up.

Especially since the "double reduction", it is a very good thing to let children participate in labor more.

  Zhou Yongmei said that nowadays children generally lack the consciousness of labor. They open their mouths to eat, stretch out their hands for clothes, and are reluctant to do things within their power, such as making beds, folding quilts, washing socks and handkerchiefs, and packing school bags.

  The same is true for college students. Some people do not pack their own things, stay at home and do not do housework, and often order takeaways. This is related to not doing housework when they were young.

Whether the labor class can be carried out well is related to the level of attention of parents. Parents must first change their ideas. Improving life ability is more important than learning knowledge. The purpose of children's learning is to adapt to the society, take care of themselves and do housework, which is a basic skill.


Helps develop children's ability to adapt to society

  Zhang Sining, director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, said that there is a concept of "socialization" in sociology, that is, society has requirements for people, and it is necessary to master the requirements of society through various studies in order to adapt to the society.

Now some parents have ignored their children's social learning ability, such as cooking, self-care and so on.

  Previously, the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences once conducted an experiment in which a plate of boiled eggs was taken to a college student's dormitory and children were allowed to eat eggs.

The children of rural families peeled the eggs successfully and ate one after another, and they were very happy; the children in the city could not finish the peeling for a while, and there were still eggshells on the eggs.

Another experiment is tying shoelaces. Rural children tie their shoelaces quickly, while urban children tie their shoelaces slowly.

  Zhang Sining said that peeling eggs and tying shoelaces makes sense.

It exercises the coordination and cooperation of neural activities, and is also beneficial to the growth of the brain.

The Ministry of Education's new plan is to cultivate a child's social adaptability, and the cultivation of social adaptability in adulthood is irreparable and will lead to many detours.


Housework can exercise children

Self-reliance and sense of responsibility

  Ning Bingying, a third-grade teacher at Shangpin Middle School in Dadong District, said: "The Ministry of Education has arranged the content of housework activities very well, step by step, and it is a necessary skill for life, and life ability is the foundation. After all, children can live independently when they grow up. Blindly reliant on their parents. Many children are spoiled by their parents, and their parents take care of their food, drink, and clothing. The characteristic of such children in a group is that they handle their own affairs in a mess. Moreover, children who rely on their parents for a long time are more self-reliant. Taking labor classes and doing housework can exercise children's self-reliance and enhance their sense of responsibility.

  Wu Qiang, director reporter of Shenyang Evening News and Shenbao All Media