Even if the city of Grenoble must backtrack and renounce the authorization of the burkini in its municipal swimming pools, after the decision of the Council of State on Tuesday, it should still be penalized by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region.

Chaired by Laurent Wauquiez, the latter indeed intends to maintain the suspension of its subsidies to the city of Grenoble.

Laurent Wauquiez had announced this subsidy freeze on May 17, the day after the adoption by the Grenoble city council of swimming pool regulations authorizing the wearing of the burkini.

The elected LR accused Mayor Eric Piolle of "breaking with secularism and the values ​​of our Republic".

The suspension of regional subsidies to the city of Grenoble will be maintained until Eric Piolle has signed "the charter for the defense of the values ​​of France" adopted in March, the AURA region said on Wednesday.

This charter will be the subject of an "amendment to integrate the argument of the Council of State" on the subject of the burkini.

Eric Piolle resolves to accept the decision of the Council of State

Asked about this on Wednesday, Eric Piolle replied that he "left Laurent Wauquiez to his decisions".

According to him, the charter in question “really sits on the law of 1905, one of the fundamentals of the Republic”.

“There is clearly a desire to ostracize in particular a community.

I don't think it's good for French society and I will stay strong on values, ”he replied.

The Council of State confirmed Tuesday a decision of the administrative court of Grenoble prohibiting the burkini in the municipal swimming pools of Grenoble.

The high court considered that the new regulation imposed by the municipality constituted a "very targeted derogation", intended to "satisfy a religious claim".

Eric Piolle indicated that he "took note" of this decision: "I can only regret that they lend us intentions which are not ours but I can only accept this decision", he said. declared.


Grenoble: How the Council of State justifies the ban on the burkini in municipal swimming pools


Grenoble: The Council of State confirms the ban on wearing the burkini in municipal swimming pools

  • Burkinis

  • Eric Piolle

  • Laurent Wauquiez

  • Swimming pool

  • Grenoble

  • Company

  • Isere

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes