Newspaper (Reporter Niu Chunmei) Master Zhang Junqiu is a monument in the history of Peking Opera. The "Zhang School" art he created has far-reaching influence. "Wangjiang Pavilion", "Top Champion", "Qin Xianglian", "West Chamber" and other masterpieces of life are still in use today. Constant performance inside and outside. 2020 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the master. From July to October this year, a series of activities will be held in Beijing and other places to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Peking opera master Zhang Junqiu. Because of the epidemic situation, this commemorative event will be the first to be launched online, and the network performance of "Commemorating the 100th Birthday of Master Zhang Junqiu" will be broadcast online from July 1 to October 19.

  The network show was supported and participated by more than 30 Peking Opera troupes across the country. There were more than 300 Zhangpai successors, reincarnations and many outstanding Zhangpai lovers singing "Zhang Pai" famous dramas. A total of more than 1500 episodes, played on Zhang Junqiu's Weibo Theater, Tencent, Youku, iQiyi, Douyin, Kuaishou and other platforms.

  The content of the exhibition covers the essence of Mr. Zhang Junqiu's film works (including six films of "Female Interpretation", "Yutang Spring", "Fisherman Hate", "Meilong Town", "Wangjiang Pavilion", and "Qin Xianglian"; 49 audio-visual works by Mr. Zhang Junqiu Fine compilation; previous commemorative performance videos; singing works, interviews, congratulation videos, etc. from "Zhang Pai" successors, groups, and ticket offices at home and abroad.

  The newly published "Anthology of the 100th Birthday of Mr. Zhang Junqiu, Peking Opera Master" is also one of the heavy content of this series of commemorative activities. The book covers Tan Yuanshou, Lan Tianye, Zhang Xuemin, Xue Yaping, Yan Shouping, Ma Xiaoman, Yang Shurui, etc. There are nearly one hundred articles of children, friends, collaborators and disciples of Mr., and there are forty-eight accompaniment scores of the sound repertoire of "Zhang Pai", which is an important book to recall and study Mr. Zhang Junqiu.

  This series of commemorative activities was planned by Mr. Zhang's family, co-sponsored by China Peking Opera Art Foundation, Tianjin Chinese Ethnic Culture Promotion Association, Tianjin Zhangjunqiu Art Foundation, etc., and received the support of many Peking Opera groups in the country.