2021 General College Entrance Exam Chinese Composition Test Questions

National Volume A

Question content:

  The Communist Party of China has gone through a century of history.

The revolutionary culture and the advanced socialist culture bred in the great struggle carried out by the party united and led the people have been deeply integrated into our blood and soul.

We celebrate festivals such as "May 4th", "July 1", "August 1st" and "Eleventh". We sing songs such as "Volunteer March" and "No New China Without the Communist Party". We read works such as "Serving the People". "Qinyuanchun·Snow", "Lotus Lake" and "Hongyan", we admire revolutionary martyrs such as Li Dazhao, Xia Minghan, Fang Zhimin, Yang Jingyu, and our examples such as Lei Feng, Jiao Yulu, Qian Xuesen, Huang Danian, etc., are given Nourish and inspire our spirit.

We have sunshine in our hearts, and power under our feet.

Our future will be integrated into the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and we are in a promising era...

  Please combine the materials and write an article with the theme of "being possible and promising".

  Requirements: Choose the correct angle, determine the concept, clarify the style, and draft your own title; do not copy or copy; do not disclose personal information; not less than 800 words.

National Volume B

Question content:

  Read the following materials and write as required.

  The ancients often used metaphors to illustrate the pursuit of ideals, involving foundations, methods, paths, goals and their relationships.

For example, in the Han Dynasty, Yang Xiong once used archery as a metaphor. He said: “Cultivating oneself thinks of bow, righteousness thinks of arrow, righteousness thinks of righteousness, and then develops, the hair must be in the middle.” Taking "righteousness" as a definite goal, and then putting it into action, the ideal can be realized.

  The above materials can give inspiration to contemporary young people who are pursuing ideals. Please write an article based on your own development.

  Requirements: Choose the correct angle, determine the concept, clarify the style, and draft your own title; do not copy or copy; do not disclose personal information; not less than 800 words.

National New College Entrance Examination Paper I

Question content:

  Read the following materials and write as required.

  In April 1917, Mao Zedong published an article "Sports Research" in "New Youth", in which he pointed out that when discussing the "effect of sports", the human body changes day by day.

If you don't know, you can understand, but if you don't know, you can be clever.

If a born strong person abuses his strength, even the strongest person may eventually become weaker; and if the weaker exercises diligently and gains what they cannot, they will become strong over time.

Therefore, "the one who is born strong does not have to be happy, and the one who is weak does not have to be self-sorrowful. I am born weak, or the sky tempts me to be strong, which is not known."

  The above discussion is enlightening.

Please write an essay in combination with the materials to reflect your feelings and thoughts.

  Requirements: Choose the correct angle, determine the concept, clarify the style, and draft your own title; do not copy or copy; do not disclose personal information; not less than 800 words.

National New College Entrance Examination Paper Ⅱ

Question content


  Read the following materials and write as required.

(Tang Guangyu's comic works, with changes)

  [Note] Miaohong: Use a brush dipped in ink to trace and write on the red mold.

  Please grasp the content and meaning of the comics as a whole and write an article that reflects your understanding and evaluation, identification and selection, and reflects the thinking of young people in the new era.

  Requirements: Choose a good angle, determine the concept, clarify the style, and draft your own title; do not copy or copy; do not disclose personal information; no less than 800 words.

 Beijing Roll

Question content:


  Choose one of the following two questions and answer as required.

No less than 700 words.

Copy the question on the answer sheet.

  (1) Everyone lives in a specific era, and each person's life path in a specific era is different.

In the same era, some people lamented that life is not at the right time, some just want to rest at any time, and some feel that life is at the right time and time does not wait for me...

  Please write an argumentative essay with the topic "On the time when you are born".

  Requirements: clear arguments, substantial arguments, and reasonable arguments; fluent language and clear writing.

  (2) The ripeness of the melons and the plump wings are the appearance of mature plants, birds and beasts; but for us, true maturity does not only refer to the growth of the body...

  Please write a narrative with the topic "This is the mature appearance".

  Requirements: mental health; substantial content with detailed description; fluent language and clear writing.

Tianjin Roll

Question content:

  Read the following materials and write as required.

  If time is a one-way street, then the anniversary is the most eye-catching signpost on both sides of the road. It tells us how we went from yesterday to today.

Time never stops, and the anniversary will not disappear.

Remembering it can make the simple numbers on the calendar become heavy footnotes to the years, and it constantly reminds us to run forward with our original intentions.

  What is your understanding and perception of this passage?

Please write an article based on your own experience.

  Requirements: ① Self-selected angles and self-made titles; ②No style limitation (except poetry), with obvious style characteristics;

  ③Not less than 800 words; ④No plagiarism, no copying.

Shanghai Roll

Question content:

  Some people say that after the precipitation of time, the value of things can be recognized by people; some people think that this is not the case.

What do you think?

Please write an article to talk about your thinking.

  Requirements: (1) Self-made questions; (2) no less than 800 words.

Zhejiang Roll

 Question content:

  Some people see gains and losses as the end, some see gains and losses as the starting point, and some see gains and losses as the process.

  How do you experience and think about this?

Write an article and talk about your views.

  [Note] ①The angle is optional, the idea is self-determined, and the topic is self-made

②Clarify the style and not write poetry.

③Not less than 800 words.

④ Plagiarism and copying are not allowed.

  People's Daily Client Zhao Grace