Employers of college students' "reverse back-adjustment": reshape the workplace with youth

  Another graduation season is approaching, and Zhou Xu, a fresh graduate of a university in Zhejiang, has successively received job offers from a number of "big factories".

In the process of fighting wits and courage with the same employers, he did not feel any special pressure.

On the contrary, with the "backtracking" made to various companies in the early stage, in the interview process of these five companies, "basically all the questions are under control".

  In fact, as early as the beginning of the autumn recruitment in June last year, Zhou Xu had already clarified his requirements for the enterprise, and had a multi-faceted understanding of the relevant situation of the enterprise, and ranked them in descending order of importance: Location , industry, platform size, salary level and corporate cultural background.

  After screening based on this primary need, only five or six companies were left in front of Zhou Xu.

When the conditions of the remaining companies were similar in all aspects, he finally chose to join a company that he thought was more dynamic and innovative.

  Zhou Xu's job-hunting experience is not an exception. According to media reports, a large number of graduates who are mainly born in the 2000s are about to enter the workplace with new words, deeds and ways of thinking. ” and even “reverse background checks” employers before interviews.

  Anti-customer-oriented: graduates after 00 began to "reverse back" to employers

  In the job search process, "back tone" is a very common link.

This is the abbreviation of "background investigation", which usually occurs at the end of the interview process. The employer checks the authenticity of the applicant's background information by consulting the applicant's graduate school, former company and other relevant persons.

However, today's college students have brought a "counter-attack" to the traditional sense of backtracking.

  Chen Ran, a fresh graduate from a key university in Beijing, made an assumption about her future employment environment before applying for a job.

She yearned for a more relaxed and free working environment, so she excluded a large number of traditional companies.

As a student majoring in financial management, for the purpose of improving her professional ability, she finally set her sights on Internet "big factories" and well-known accounting firms.

  On this basis, on the one hand, she collected the information of the firm through the Internet, not only inquired about the information from the official website, but also searched for more sharing from employees in various types of apps.

On the other hand, she used her vacation as an intern in these firms to experience the working environment and understand the content of the work first-hand.

In this way, she finally signed an agreement with her favorite firm and is about to officially start her job.

  The "reverse tone" brought Chen Ran a deeper reflection on career development.

When she first entered the university, Chen Ran was attracted by the big Internet companies, which had a kind of "halo" value.

But as Chen Ran entered the senior year, she began to think about what she really wanted.

"When I finally chose a career, although I was attracted by the 'big factory halo', I still chose a place where I could improve my professionalism in a targeted manner."

  On the Internet, "reverse back tone" has even been summed up as different "dan levels".

The most basic operation is to check the company from various online App information, and go to the recruitment website to learn about similar positions; further, it is to find senior brothers and sisters or "little friends" who have worked in the company to inquire about the inside story; for the advanced version, It is to go to the salary tool to compare the salary level, look at the company size from the enterprise inquiry website, check the background of the boss, and even look at the investors behind the company and their investment logic.

  Li Li is a senior at Peking University. Since his sophomore year, he has had many internship experiences.

Except for the first internship, where he was still in the "workplace novice" state and did not do special investigations, in other internships, he has accumulated a lot of "reverse back-to-back" experience: "One is directly through the computer. , magazines, books, documents, Internet searches and other existing second-hand materials to analyze; the second is to rely on one's own network, in the communication with friends and classmates, put yourself in the environment of the corresponding company. Among them, the latter is more important. "

  Is "reverse backtone" common among college students?

In an interview with a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily, Yu Hanyu, a counselor at Hunan University, said, "In fact, this situation has always existed among graduates. Over the years, we have often encouraged students to do 'professionals' in employment guidance. "Interview" is a kind of research on the employer, the most common way is to contact the seniors and sisters who have already worked in the unit, or to learn about the specific situation, salary and position development on some job-hunting websites and forums."

  "But in recent years, as most of the graduate groups are post-95s and post-00s, some of them have become more and more diverse, detailed and detailed in their background to employers." Yu Hanyu said, this is because at this stage Graduates are Internet natives, and their ability and sensitivity to information collection are much higher than those of previous graduates, and the composition of graduate employment satisfaction is also more diverse and social.

  Taking the initiative: What do college students gain after "reverse backtone"?

  In the operation of "reverse back-to-back", many college students admitted that this not only gave them a deeper understanding of their upcoming jobs, but also allowed them to further their career development and life path planning. know.

  Li Li felt a little strange when he saw the word "reverse tone" for the first time.

In his cognition, it is "justifiable" to take the initiative to investigate the company's background.

But he also admitted that in the job search process, the company or unit is in a dominant position, but this does not affect the initiative of job seekers.

  In his extensive exchanges, Li Li found that not all students have the initiative to investigate the intended companies.

"There are many students around me who are used to studying and living before entering the university and are used to being selected, but it is also very important that they do not realize their own choices."

  "We should not be 'seeking a job', but 'looking for a job'." In his view, "reverse tone" should not only be popular, but also necessary.

  However, the classmates around Chen Ran will also actively learn about the company through various channels.

Through "reverse back-adjustment", they can not only screen out the companies they want to work for based on salary, employee characteristics, corporate culture, etc., but also take the initiative in the interview process.

Chen Ran, relying on the investigation of the company's concerns, not only prepared the interview materials in a targeted manner, but also actively led the interviewer to the aspect she wanted to show.

  Let yourself take the initiative in the job search, this is a point of view recognized by many college students who are "reverse tone".

  Hu Pan graduated from a university in Beijing, majoring in urban and rural planning. After working for a year, he was deeply grateful for his behavior of "reverse backtracking": "Job search is a two-way selection process, and it is even an indispensable part of the job search process. First, the background investigation of the employer or unit in advance can avoid many risks, so that your precious youth will not be wasted on blind choices.”

  A teacher from the Student Career Development Guidance Center of Tsinghua University said that the "reverse tone" proves that students have the ability and certainty to be in an advantageous position in job hunting.

  Why this phenomenon occurs, the teacher said: "First of all, colleges and universities carry out career counseling courses, which makes students gradually feel that it is very important to find a job. It also allows them to conduct a self-reflection and self-exploration, so that their own Personal characteristics and job requirements are matched by 'person-post'. After the career counseling, students will probably have a concept that since we want to achieve the matching of people and jobs, self-exploration is one aspect, and understanding of the company's position is also another aspect."

  Reshaping the workplace: Using self-expression to force changes in the workplace

  Starting from the "reverse tone", this group of young people is using their own consciousness to bring a new atmosphere to the workplace.

  In the face of many inherent workplace traditions, this group of college students is also resisting in a sharp-edged way.

For example, many of Li Li's classmates called it "a way to cut off social ties" and opposed it in the face of the "flower name culture" that prevailed in many big Internet companies.

  Even, they will have more "restless" plans. Although Chen Ran successfully joined a top accounting firm, she plans to resign after three to five years and continue her campus career.

  Longing for equality, pursuing self-expression, valuing one's own legitimate rights and interests, and daring to raise objections... All these will also force companies to make changes and create a more reasonable workplace environment.

  Mr. Liang, a counselor from Dalian University of Technology, observed that many companies do not reject the "reverse tone".

"I learned that classmates will back-tune companies they are interested in but don't know about, and companies actually cooperate with classmates' investigations, because companies also know that when some things are made public, it will be conducive to attracting talents. Some companies even say that , 'Don't bother, I'll send you our stuff directly, you can see for yourself', but it can win some trust from the graduates."

  However, some college teachers suggested that college students need to be rational when conducting "reverse back-adjustment".

  Yu Hanyu said that her views on "reverse tone" are two-sided.

"It is true that some students have a relatively mature awareness of career development, and have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the industry, occupation, and market. They can also analyze the pros and cons of each position according to their own characteristics, and use the perspective of development to weigh their choices, and To create more value by joining a team with consistent values ​​and in line with their own development expectations, I support the choice of this group of students.”

  "However, I also saw from the Internet that some students have not done their own analysis and rational cognition of the outside world. They look at some online information and evaluations purely and subjectively, such as "per capita annual salary of one million" on the Internet, what to search for? Companies and positions have people talking about persuading people to quit. In the process of backtracking, we must also adhere to the viewpoint of 'what suits you is the best', and not simply measure a position by whether to work overtime or not, and how much the annual salary is." Yu Hanyu said.

  "You must learn to swim in water." Yu Hanyu suggested that graduates should try their best to enter the target industry and position for internship practice if they have the opportunity to truly experience the actual work content, deal with relevant processes and links, and face workplace interpersonal relationships and teamwork. Problems that may arise, experience different corporate atmospheres, adjust your expectations and goals in actual combat, and further guide yourself to collect and analyze information to be more scientific and pragmatic.

  (At the request of the interviewee, the students in the text are pseudonyms)

  China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Ye Yuting, intern Liu Yan and Gong Xinran Source: China Youth Daily