
Some of the prosecution's actions that took over his home in Yeonhui-dong, Seoul as a short sale in order to redeem the surcharge of Chun Doo-hwan were judged illegal.

This is why separate legal procedures are required to collect additional property acquired before the inauguration of the President, and reporter Won Jong-jin will explain in detail.


In 2013, the Special Act on Confiscation of Civil Service Crimes, also known as the Chun Doo-Hwan Additional Collection Act, passed the National Assembly for the retrieval of Chun Doo-Hwan's property.

Property gained from illegal slush funds is open to confiscation in the name of another person.

However, the Seoul High Court decided yesterday (20th) that the prosecution's action that delivered the main house and garden of the former house in Yeonhui-dong for a short sale was illegal and the seizure should be canceled.

The main house of Yeonhui-dong's home was registered under the name of a secretary in 1999 after Chun Doo-hwan's wife, Lee Sun-ja, acquired land ownership in 1969, before the 12.12 coup, and Jung Won Land took ownership before taking office as president.

Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the main bonds and capacity acquired before the inauguration of the President are illegal property that can be confiscated under the'Chun Doo-Hwan Additional Collection Act'.

However, he explained that if the main house and garden are the property of Mr. Jeon's name, the state can recover his name in front of Mr. Jeon through a separate lawsuit and collect it.

It was confirmed that the outbuilding under the name of Jeon's third daughter-in-law was purchased with slush funds raised by bribery, and decided to maintain the foreclosure.

Mr. Jeon expressed his welcome,

[Jung Joo-gyo/Attorney (Chun Doo-Hwan's representative): I think today's court ruling was a very natural decision.]

Prosecutors said in 2013 that Sister Yeon Hee-dong was the real property of Chun Doo-hwan, and that all family members acknowledged in 2013 that they will actively cooperate in the recovery He appealed to the Supreme Court and said he would review various measures to enforce the seizure.