[Explanation] "Guitar Club, English Club, Dance Club..." Entering the Taijiang County Ethnic Middle School in the Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou, it is hard to believe that the rich club activities and various talent shows of students are. These original university life will appear in an ordinary high school in a remote mountainous area in Guizhou.

Shu Shu, a graduate student of Zhejiang University who came to the school in September this year to support the teachers of the relay brothers and sisters, told reporters that to allow students to make such a change, it is necessary to start with a confession letter from the children.

  [Explanation] In 2017, Taijiang County Minority Middle School welcomed the first Zhejiang University postgraduate teaching team.

In the process of contact and communication with the children, it was discovered that the students in the mountain village lacked attention to the "inner" problems. This young team had a bold idea.

  [Concurrent] Shu Shu, Supporting Teacher of Zhejiang University Graduate Supporting Group

  In such a special teenage period, they will have some of their own distress and boredom.

There may also be a lack of guidance from a very appropriate and leading peer of this kind, so we hope to use "listening to the voice of the mountain" in a letter form, which not only has a sense of isolation, but also brings a sense of security. Ways to speak freely with them and communicate with each other.

  [Explanation] How to collect children’s letters and write down the things they don’t want to say in their normal study life?

This has become the most important prerequisite for the smooth development of the event.

  [Concurrent] Shu Shu, Supporting Teacher of Zhejiang University Graduate Supporting Group

  We are to encourage them, to tell them, that is to give them a way, give them a window here, and tell him if you really want to go, then you go.

Then on this road where you go to look out, we will protect you, or we will guide you.

  [Explanation] Encouraging communication has brought unexpected results. Students handed letters to teachers, and teachers mailed letters to applicants across the country in batches.

Through the communication with pen pals, the students learned about the wider world, and the pen pals also helped the students to alleviate the problems in their hearts.

  [Concurrent] Yang Zhenmei, a student from Taijiang County Minority Middle School

  I remember she told me that her history teacher told her that the universe is so big, and then a small mistake of yours is very small in this universe, and a mistake does not mean anything at all, so at that time I had one There is a kind of touch in this kind of heart, and then there is also a kind of belief is to be like her, to be her excellent.

  [Explanation] Through follow-up communication and exchanges with pen pals, the teaching support team found that in addition to caring about learning issues in the letters, the desire for a rich learning life and curiosity about university life also became their focus.

Considering the comprehensive academic work, through multiple applications and coordination with the school, combined with the university characteristics of the punch-in club model, the Taijiang Minority Middle School club came into being.

  [Concurrent] Sun Zheng, teacher of the postgraduate teaching group of Zhejiang University

  I think the club is also a very good place for extracurricular education, which is what we call the second classroom in Zhejiang University.

In organizing activities, coordinating, including communication and meetings, etc., they have learned various abilities such as planning, communication, organization, and coordination. These abilities are invaluable to them.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Shengsheng, a student from Taijiang County Minority Middle School

  The first role of participating in this club activity is to enrich our after-school life, and then the second role is to improve our time management ability and make ourselves more self-disciplined, so as to bring this ability to join the study Among them, make yourself better.

  [Explanation] "Listen to the voice of the mountain", under the relay of 18 supporting teachers from the Zhejiang University Postgraduate Teaching Team, there have been more than 3,000 letters in three years.

The students of Taijiang National Middle School have become pen pals with more than 1,500 universities in 13 provinces across the country. More than 20 clubs have been established one after another. The rich campus life, the relief of pen pals and the more hopeful future of the students.

  [Concurrent] Shu Shu, Supporting Teacher of Zhejiang University Graduate Supporting Group

  When they stepped out of the mountains, entered the university, and entered the modern era, they can be more respected, and they also hope that they will have more dreams in their lives and lives.

  Wang Xi reports from Southeast Guizhou

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]