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The players of FC Bayern Munich have lost the semi-final leg match of the Champions League against FC Barcelona 0: 1 (0: 0). Kheira Hamraoui scored the winning goal for FC Barcelona (63rd).

Both teams had good opportunities from the start. The players of FC Barcelona attacked early, but both semi-finalists defended concentrated. The German runners-up were already lucky in the first half that distinctions of Hamraoui (24th minute) and Vicky Losada (35) were distracted by crossbar and post.

Barcelona was also the superior team after the restart - and the unlucky one, when in the 51st minute after a tackle by Kathrin Hendrich against Lieke Martens a penalty missed. In the 63rd minute Hamraoui then hit the deserved lead for the guests. The Munich tried to get a better starting position for the return leg next Sunday in Barcelona, ​​but came even to a crossbar by Sara Däbritz (89).