Our reporter Cao Zheng

  More and more data is "flowing" in Beijing.

Recently, the Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology has publicly solicited opinions on the "Beijing Digital Economy Whole Industry Chain Opening Action Plan (Draft for Comment)".

According to the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, the plan proposes 6 aspects and 22 reform measures, striving to build a data-driven development highland for the entire digital economy industry chain, and promote the opening of the city's digital economy entire industry chain.

Regarding the data opening and sharing that has attracted much attention, the city will actively promote the data opening of public service operators such as water supply, power supply, gas supply, and public transportation.

  【Open data sharing】

  Promote the openness of data in public transportation and other units

  Last year, the Beijing International Big Data Exchange was established.

This means that data can also be categorized, priced and traded like ordinary commodities.

How will Beijing's data "flow" in the future?

How can data be traded better?

This program provides the answer.

  According to the plan, the city will continue to increase data openness and sharing, upgrade and transform public data open platforms, establish and improve the system for opening government affairs data upon application, and accelerate the construction of data zones in the fields of finance, medical care, transportation, location, space, and scientific research.

At the same time, actively promote the data opening of public service operation units such as water supply, power supply, gas supply, and public transportation.

  The plan proposes to support market entities to carry out data services and data product trading activities through direct transactions, platform transactions, etc.; accelerate the construction of the Beijing International Big Data Exchange, strengthen the Beijing International Data Trading Alliance, and encourage verticals such as finance, medical care, transportation, and industry. In the field, promote the improvement of the transaction paradigm of "raw data does not go out of the domain, data is available and invisible"; establishes standard contract guidelines for data transactions, and issues a negative list and a cautious list for data transactions.

  The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau said that in response to the problems of data scale expansion and quality to be improved, lack of institutional guarantees for data sharing, development and utilization, incomplete data transaction system rules, innovation and development in key areas and insufficient element support, the plan proposes two solutions. It can be implemented within three years, and targeted measures and countermeasures will form an implementation path to activate the entire industrial chain of the digital economy.

  【Digital technology research and development】

  Ahead of the layout of 6G, future network

  The digital economy needs a batch of digital technology support.

In this regard, the city will improve the supply capacity of digital technology, focus on the high-level development of the industrial chain, gather and integrate various scientific and technological resources, focus on breakthroughs in key core technologies in high-end chips, artificial intelligence, key software, blockchain and other fields, and advance the layout of 6G, In the frontier fields of future technology such as future networks, brain-like intelligence, and quantum computing, we will strive to achieve a number of major original innovations and disruptive achievements.

  A diversified digital technology innovation ecosystem centered on public platforms, underlying technologies, and leading companies will also accelerate the formation, driving the rapid growth of innovative companies.

The plan proposes to build an international open source community in Beijing by relying on the Open Atom Open Source Foundation and the code hosting platform to attract domestic and foreign open source projects and institutions to land in Beijing; encourage the development of new innovation entities such as new R&D institutions and enterprise innovation consortia, and support the construction of various industry-university-research institutes. The collaborative innovation platform promotes the co-construction and sharing of innovation resources, and opens up the innovation chain that runs through the entire process of basic research, technology research and development, pilot-scale maturation and industrialization.

  How to make reform stimulate innovation vitality?

"The plan reflects multi-dimensional opening, and strives to form a Beijing benchmark for reform and innovation in the digital economy." The relevant person in charge said that the city will benchmark international and domestic advanced rules, drive reform and innovation with the opening of key links in the digital economy industry chain, and "internally". It focuses on the country's decision-making and deployment and key tasks during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and strives to take the lead in Beijing.

In addition, it will also coordinate development and security, firmly adhere to the bottom line of security, implement the security protection of data throughout the life cycle, and explore a new regulatory mechanism that is inclusive and prudent.

  【Empowering key industries】

  The sub-center builds a smart city benchmark demonstration area

  In Beijing's high-level autonomous driving demonstration area, about 300 "unmanned vehicles" have been running, ranging from unmanned delivery to unmanned dining cars, from autonomous "taxi" to highway trucks, with a cumulative test mileage of more than 4 million in each scenario. kilometer.

  With the continuous breakthrough of the digital economy, Beijing's intelligent networked automobile industry will also accelerate.

The plan proposes that the city will optimize and improve the policy management system for intelligent networked vehicle road testing, new product application, accident responsibility and operation supervision, continue to promote the construction of high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone 3.0, promote vehicle-road coordination, and achieve larger regional, More scenarios are networked and controlled to provide a city-level engineering test platform for the commercialization of intelligent networked vehicle application scenarios and the promotion and application of intermediate products.

  The industry empowered by the digital economy is not limited to this one: in the digital medical industry, we will promote the construction of a "national health information platform", build personal health information files based on personal codes, and support medical institutions to carry out digital applications in scenarios such as diagnosis and treatment, hospitalization, inspection, and rehabilitation. ;In the digital financial industry, encourage financial institutions to share business data through blockchain and private computing, steadily promote the full-scenario pilot application of digital renminbi, and support financial institutions and Internet platforms to jointly build retail transactions, life services and other mobile payment convenience scenarios ; In the smart city industry, promote the opening of global smart application scenarios such as transportation, medical care, urban management, and government services, and start the construction of smart city benchmarking demonstration areas in the city's sub-center.