Clément Lesaffre, edited by Thibaud Le Meneec 09h00, September 04, 2021

Almost half of the purchases made by teenagers with their pocket money are now on the internet, a proportion that continues to grow.

To facilitate the management of this nest egg at an early age, applications exist, with the possibility of controlling the expenses of his child.


It's back to school this Thursday!

For some parents, their children are reaching the fateful pocket money age which, in France, begins on average around 10-11 years old, when they enter 6th.

And now, technology is stepping in: no more 10 or 20 euro bill slipped at the beginning of the month, more and more applications are offering special bank cards for young people, controlled by parents.

Europe 1 met one of these "geek" families who use these devices.

RIB and transfers

At 11 years old, Max already manages his accounts with a good father.

"When I open my application, I see the expenses I have made and the amount that is on my card", explains the boy, while his mother pretends to exclaim: "You are rich. ! "

It was the pre-teen who asked for a bank card rather than cash.

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Each month, his parents therefore pay him his 11 euros of pocket money directly from the PixPay application.

“I have a physical card that I can use anywhere, in stores and online, I can ask my parents for money,” he explains.

"I also have my RIB so I can make transfers. For example, I sell my clothes on Vinted so that way I get the money directly into my account."

Notifications for parents

Rather skeptical of giving her son a bank card, Julie, Max's mother, finally embraced the concept. "As soon as he spends something, I receive a notification on my phone to tell me that Max has spent X euros in such and such a store. For his school supplies, it makes my life a lot easier, for example. And if ever there is. a problem, as a parent, we can block certain types of purchase, ”reassures the mother.

If Max's parents have taken the plunge, not everyone is used to seeing an 11-year-old boy paying by card, starting with salespeople in stores. "When I say 'by card please', they leave the terminal but they often have a reaction, it's quite funny," the boy laughs. And if pocket money is still used from time to time to buy candy at the bakery, teenagers now do almost half of their purchases on the internet.