Arnold Schwarzenegger has no empathy with antivax.

The cult actor, who has never hidden, in his involvement in the fight against Covid-19, that he was clearly in the prevention camp, with the masks, confinement, social distancing, and now vaccination, attacked those who still refuse to follow the recommendations of experts.

“A year and a half later, it's still a mess and some people continue to deny the obvious (...) The only way to avoid it (the Covid) is to get vaccinated, to wear masks , to distance oneself socially, to wash your hands all the time.

And not to say to yourself "My freedom is a little disturbed".

No, we don't care about your freedom.

Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities, ”said the former governor of California in an interview with CNN.

Life in society

And to drive the point home, Arnold Schwarzenegger used an unstoppable analogy: that of the traffic light.

“You can't just say, 'I have the right to do x, y, and z' when you affect other people.

This is where it gets serious.

It's like a traffic light.

They set up a fire at the intersection to prevent someone from accidentally killing someone else.

You can't say, “Nobody's going to tell me I have to stop here, I'm going to cross.” Yes, you're going to kill someone, and it's your fault. It's the same with the virus You can't leave without putting on the mask because when you breathe you can infect someone else, and you can infect someone who gets sick and can die, ”the star said.

Movie theater

Arnold Schwarzenegger got so bored at the Oscars that he turned off his TV

  • Antivaccine

  • Delta variant

  • Covid 19

  • Anti-covid vaccine

  • Arnold schwarzenegger