The Party Central Committee decided to commend a group of collectives and individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the preparation and competition of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics in the name of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

According to the deployment of the selection and commendation work, on the basis of full deliberation and collective research by relevant regions and departments, after comprehensive review and overall consideration, 149 groups were identified as the objects of outstanding contributions to the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics are to be commended.

  In order to fully promote democracy, listen to opinions widely, and accept social supervision, the national publicity of the objects to be commended is now carried out, and the publicity period is from April 2 to 6, 2022.

If you have any objection to the object to be commended, please report it to the Office of the Leading Group for Commendation of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics within the publicity period.

The form of reflection is telephone, letter, email, and the postmark on the date of arrival shall prevail for letters.

The materials that reflect the situation in the name of the unit should be stamped with the official seal of the unit, and the materials that reflect the situation in the name of an individual should be signed with a real name and a contact number.

  Contact number: 010—66689201


  Receiving unit: Office of the Leading Group for Commendation of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games

  Mailing address: No. 68, Shijingshan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing

  Postal Code: 102022

  Office of the Leading Group for Commendation of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics

  April 2, 2022

  List of objects to be commended for outstanding contributions of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics

  (149 in total)

  Activity Office of the General Office of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee

  Office of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee

  Propaganda and Education Office of the Education Work Committee of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee

  Cybersecurity Coordination Office of the Office of the Cybersecurity and Informatization Committee of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee

  Beijing Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Organ Winter Olympics Village Guarantee Special Class

  Market Management Division II, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

  Urban Greening Office, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape Architecture

  Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  Beijing Radio and Television Satellite Channel Center

  Winter Olympics Beijing Chaoyang District Operational Support Headquarters

  The United Front Work Department of the Chaoyang District Committee of the Communist Party of China in Beijing

  Chaoyang Branch of Beijing Public Security Bureau

  Beijing Chaoyang District Health Commission

  Winter Olympics Beijing Haidian District Operation Support Headquarters

  Winter Olympics Beijing Shijingshan District Operation Support Headquarters

  Beijing Shunyi District Health Commission

  Winter Olympics Beijing Yanqing District Operation Support Headquarters

  Beijing Yanqing District Fire Rescue Detachment

  Beijing Shouqi (Group) Co., Ltd.

  National Stadium LLC

  Chongli District Committee of Zhangjiakou City of the Communist Party of China

  Chongli Branch of Peking University Third Hospital

  Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics City Operation and Environmental Construction Management Headquarters

  Organization Department of the CPC Zhangjiakou Municipal Committee

  Zhangjiakou Public Security Bureau

  Zhangjiakou Municipal Health Commission

  Zhangjiakou Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau

  State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Zhangjiakou Power Supply Company

  Propaganda Department of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee

  Hebei Winter Olympics Leading Group Office

  Hebei Provincial Development and Reform Commission

  Winter Olympics Hebei Security Command Center

  Hebei Provincial Department of Transportation

  Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

  Hebei Provincial Sports Bureau

  Cadre Deployment Office of the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

  Duty Room of the General Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government

  Beijing Municipal Foreign Affairs Office Municipal Government Foreign Affairs Office

  Beijing Municipal Commission of Ethnic and Religious Affairs

  Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Management

  Beijing Municipal Health Commission

  Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce

  Beijing Major Project Construction Headquarters Office

  Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League

  Beijing Chaoyang District Disciplinary Committee and District Supervisory Committee

  Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Yanqing Branch

  Shougang Group Co., Ltd.

  Beijing Public Transportation Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd.

  Beijing Enterprises Group Co., Ltd.

  Beijing Environmental Sanitation Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

  Beijing Gehua Culture Development Group Co., Ltd.

  Beijing Xinhualian Lijingwan Hotel Co., Ltd.

  Communist Youth League Hebei Provincial Committee

  Zhangjiakou Xingyuan Investment Development Group Co., Ltd.

  Beijing Winter Olympics Cybersecurity Work Coordination Group Comprehensive Team

  Beijing Winter Olympics Radio Management Coordination Group Office

  Beijing Winter Olympics Education and Training Coordination Group Office

  Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games Operation Command Dispatch Center

  Olympic Village Operation Support Team Yanqing Village Support Special Class

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Secretary Administration Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Overall Planning Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee External Liaison Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Sports Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Planning and Construction Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Market Development Department

  Human Resources Department of Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee (Organization Committee of Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of China)

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Supervision and Audit Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Finance Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Games Service Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Venue Management Department

  Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Department of Communications

  The National Stadium Operation Team of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee

  National Aquatics Center Venue Operation Team

  National Gymnasium Venue Operation Team

  Wukesong Sports Center Venue Operation Team

  National Speed ​​Skating Stadium venue operation team

  Shougang Ski Jumping Venue Operation Team

  Capital Gymnasium Venue Group Operation Team

  Beijing Winter Olympic Village (Winter Paralympic Village) Operation Team

  Main Media Center Operation Team

  Olympic Family Hotel (Paralympic Family Hotel) Running Team

  Technical operation center operation team

  Main logistics center operation team

  Beijing Awards Plaza (Yanqing Paralympic Awards Plaza) Operation Team

  Torch Relay Special Team

  Uniforms and Registry Operations Team

  Beijing Winter Olympics Doping Testing Center Operation Team

  Beijing Olympic Park Public Area Operation Team

  Winter Olympics Electric Power Operation Center Operation Team

  Yanqing Venue Group Operation Team

  Yanqing Winter Olympic Village (Winter Paralympic Village) Operation Team

  Yanqing Uniform and Registration Sub-center Operation Team

  Zhangjiakou Yunding Ski Park Venue Group Operation Team

  Zhangjiakou Ancient Poplar Venue Group Operation Team

  Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Village (Winter Paralympic Village) Operation Team

  Zhangjiakou Awards Plaza Operation Team

  Zhangjiakou Uniform and Registration Sub-center Operation Team

  Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics Accommodation Facilities Team

  Peking University Winter Olympics Volunteer Service Team

  Tsinghua University Winter Olympics Volunteer Service Team

  Beijing Sports University Winter Olympics Volunteer Service Team

  Hebei Normal University Winter Olympics Volunteer Service Team

  Central Discipline Inspection Commission and State Supervision Commission Party and Political Style Supervision Office

  The Third Bureau of Cadres of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

  Information Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

  The Fourth Bureau of the Office of the Central Institutional Establishment Committee

  Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  China Agenda 21 Management Center

  Press Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

  Fixed Asset Investment Audit Division of the National Audit Office

  Beijing Customs Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games Service Guarantee Working Group

  Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Weather Center

  Technical Bureau of China Central Radio and Television Station

  Sports Youth Program Center of China Central Radio and Television Station

  Department of Transportation, Civil Aviation Administration of China

  Peking University Third Hospital

  Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University

  China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology

  Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

  State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company

  China Unicom Winter Olympics Leading Group Office

  China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

  Capital Airport Group Co., Ltd.

  A duty team of the Joint Operations Command Center of the Central Military Commission

  National Freestyle Ski Aerial Team

  National Steel Frame Snow Team

  National Alpine Ski Team

  External Liaison Department of the State Sports General Administration

  Winter Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration

  The No. 703 Research Institute of the First Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation

  Beijing Doping Testing Laboratory

  Beijing Shijingshan District Health Committee

  Beijing Delconi Orthopaedic Hospital Co., Ltd.

  Laiyuan County Education and Sports Bureau

  Affiliated Competitive Sports School of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

















  马 轩 张家口云顶滑雪公园场馆群运行秘书长

  马培欣(回族) 张家口市崇礼区人民政府副区长,张家口市公安局崇礼分局党委书记、局长,四级高级警长

  王 玄 北京冬奥会冰球项目备战工作领导小组组长,国家体育总局篮球运动管理中心主任

  王 宁(女) 国家体育场运行团队副秘书长兼场馆运行中心经理

  王 江 北京冬奥组委交通部场站运维和后勤保障处处长

  王 军 国家体育场运行团队演出仪式副主任

  王 钊(女) 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会运行指挥部竞赛指挥组前方工作组竞赛业务副经理

  王 博 北京市市场监督管理局食品药品安全协调处一级主任科员

  王 强 国家越野滑雪队运动员

  王天满 张家口市疾控中心主任、主任医师

  王全意 北京冬奥组委运动会服务部公共卫生处副处长

  王劲松 北京冬奥组委技术部信息系统处项目工程师

  王泽伟(满族) 北京城市排水集团有限责任公司第三管网运营分公司下水道养护工

  王雪娇(女) 北京冬奥组委总体策划部研究室项目助理

  王晨阳 国家残奥越野滑雪和冬季两项队运动员

  王紫儒(女) 北京冬奥组委注册中心规划运行处干事

  王赣生 首都体育馆场馆群运行团队中方浇冰车司机主管

  毛忠武 国家残奥越野滑雪和冬季两项队运动员  

  孔宪菲 火炬传递专项团队传递运行组传递运行经理  

  邓小丽(女) 北京冬奥组委对外联络部协调处项目专家  

  邓小岚(女) 马兰花儿童声合唱团领队

  史京京 北京市公安局公安交通管理局朝阳交通支队勤务指挥科科长、警务技术一级主管

  付雅萍(女) 张家口市第七中学副校长

  冯小明 北京市海淀区体育局全民健身科学指导中心副主任

  冯益为 燕山大学学生,国家冬季两项中心志愿者

  宁晓东 张家口市交通运输局后勤服务中心科员、工程师

  司 俊 奥林匹克大家庭酒店(残奥大家庭酒店)场馆运行秘书长

  曲春雨(女) 国家短道速滑队运动员

  吕 超 北京冬奥组委人力资源部任免处主管

  吕立鑫(满族) 国家高山滑雪中心场馆通信分中心经理

  吕春凯 公安部特勤局外宾警卫总队一支队三级警长

  朱德文 国家残奥越野滑雪和冬季两项队教练

  任子威 国家短道速滑队运动员

  刘 威 北京冬奥组委票务中心票务运行管理处负责人

  刘 辉 国家游泳中心场馆服务副主任兼运行秘书长

  刘广彬 国家速度滑冰队教练

  刘和庆 北京市热力集团有限责任公司朝阳第一分公司副总经理

  刘艳欣(女) 北京冬奥组委张家口运行中心策划和宣传文化处处长

  刘海春 张家口市传染病医院副院长、副主任医师

  刘梦涛 国家残奥越野滑雪和冬季两项队运动员

  刘臻臻 张家口古杨树场馆群安保副经理兼国家跳台滑雪中心安保经理

  齐 靓 国家体育馆场馆运行秘书长

  齐士明 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会运行指挥部医疗防疫组综合协调组、医疗救治与定点医院保障组经理

  齐广璞 国家自由式滑雪空中技巧队运动员

  依拉木江·木拉吉(维吾尔族) 国家越野滑雪队教练

  闫文港 国家钢架雪车队运动员

  闫利艳(女) 张家口市人民政府副市长

  许建勋 武警北京总队参谋部作战勤务处处长

  许载舟 北京市劳动人民文化宫办公室副主任

  许海媚(女) 河北工业大学教师、副教授

  纪 冬 国家自由式滑雪空中技巧队教练

  纪立家 国家残奥单板滑雪队运动员

  芮勇强 张家口市公共交通集团有限公司营运总监

  严 晗 延庆冬奥村(冬残奥村)场馆运行秘书长

  苏翊鸣 国家单板滑雪大跳台及坡面障碍技巧队运动员

  李 刚 北京首钢园区综合服务有限公司冬奥物业事业部副部长

  李 进 主物流中心场馆运行秘书长

  李 超 北京市怀柔区疾病预防控制中心副主任、主管医师

  李 静(女) 北京市延庆区博物馆(北京市延庆区文物管理所)馆长

  李广滨 河北建筑工程学院学生,张家口市冬奥指挥部志愿者

  李文龙(满族) 国家短道速滑队运动员

  李求斌 北京冬奥组委物流部物资处项目专家

  李振龙 张家口古杨树场馆群设施副经理兼国家越野滑雪中心设施经理

  李晓霖 主媒体中心场馆后勤副主任

  李海涛 北京航空航天大学学生,国家高山滑雪中心志愿者

  李博雅(女) 国家雪车队领队

  杨 松 首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院肝病三科副主任、主任医师

  杨 磊 北京市体育局青少年体育处四级调研员

  杨金奎 北京冬奥组委残奥会部部长

  杨洪琼(女) 国家残奥越野滑雪和冬季两项队运动员

  杨洪福 北京奥林匹克中心区管理委员会副主任、政工师

  吴 栋 北京冬奥组委奥运村部奥运村餐饮服务处干事

  吴 亮 河北省消防救援总队副处长

  吴海波(满族) 阪泉综合服务中心运行办公室经理

  何 瑜(女) 技术运行中心运行团队成绩值班经理

  谷 冉(女) 北京青少年社会工作服务中心干部

  谷爱凌(女) 国家自由式滑雪大跳台及坡面障碍技巧队、自由式滑雪U型场地队运动员

  沈兴华 北京市公路事业发展中心(北京市高速公路联网收费结算中心)养护管理科科长

  张 帆(女) 河北医科大学专职辅导员,张家口文创商街志愿者驻地团队志愿者

  张 岩(满族) 冬奥电力运行中心运行团队场馆秘书长

  张 浩 北京出入境边防检查总站执勤三大队执勤三队副队长

  张 新 中国国际航空股份有限公司地面服务部副总经理

  张艺谋 北京黎枫文化发展有限公司艺术总监

  张雨婷(女) 国家短道速滑队运动员

  张国海 北京市公安局治安总队副总队长、一级高级警长

  张树峰 张家口市崇礼区委常委、常务副区长,二级调研员

  张艳飞 河北省商务厅服务贸易和商务服务业处一级主任科员

  张梦秋(女) 国家残奥高山滑雪队运动员

  张淑珺(女) 北京冬奥组委财务部收费卡管理处主管

  陈志刚 张家口云顶场馆群人事副经理,张家口山地新闻中心场馆运行秘书长兼人事经理

  陈荣钦 张家口云顶滑雪公园设施副经理

  陈海妮(女) 首都师范大学学生,北京冬奥组委总部志愿者

  陈祥荽(女) 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会运行指挥部服务保障组住宿服务主管

  武大靖 国家短道速滑队运动员

  范可新(女) 国家短道速滑队运动员

  林存真(女) 北京冬奥组委文化活动部形象景观处高级专家

  周玉龙 张家口山地转播中心场馆运行秘书长

  周丽霞(女) 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会运行指挥部服务保障组餐饮供应和食品安全主管

  周福全 北京冬奥组委秘书行政部综合处处长

  郑 鹏 国家残奥越野滑雪和冬季两项队运动员

  郑红莉(女) 北京冬奥组委市场开发部赞助商服务处干事

  郑翼程 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会运行指挥部调度中心运行调度组经理

  项洁阳 机场运行团队接待台经理

  赵 晴(女) 火炬传递专项团队综合保障组对外联络经理

  赵卫东 北京冬奥组委新闻宣传部部长、北京冬奥组委新闻发言人

  赵江涛 中共中央宣传部新闻局副局长

  赵宏博(满族) 国家花样滑冰队教练

  赵学学 北京首都国际机场股份有限公司运行控制中心主管、工程师

  赵素京(女) 中国残联理事、体育部主任

  赵焕刚 北体大二七国家冰雪运动训练科研基地负责人,北体大冰雪运动运营管理有限公司总经理

  荣 格(女,回族) 国家单板滑雪大跳台及坡面障碍技巧队运动员

  段佳丽(女) 北京冬奥村(冬残奥村)运行团队公共卫生主管

  段菊芳(女) 国家体育馆场馆运行团队、五棵松体育中心场馆运行团队冰球项目竞赛主任

  娄小晶(女) 五棵松体育中心场馆运行秘书长

  姚 磊 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会运行指挥部奥运村运行保障组办公室副主任,北京冬奥村(冬残奥村)运行团队村长办公室副主任

  贺 晶 北京冬奥组委场馆管理部总体运行处主管

  贺淑芳(女) 北京冬奥组委法律事务部法务审核处处长

  秦志伟 国家雪车雪橇中心场馆运行分中心经理

  袁宝华 北京冬奥组委安保部场馆安全处干事

  袁虹衡 北京日报社体育新闻部主任、高级记者

  贾茂亭 张家口奥体建设开发有限公司党委副书记、总经理,高级工程师、一级建造师

  徐 平 公安部治安管理局特巡警工作处副处长

  徐梦桃(女) 国家自由式滑雪空中技巧队运动员

  高 乔 首都精神文明建设委员会办公室首都精神文明促进中心一级主任科员

  高 坚(女) 北京市卫生健康委党委委员、副主任,主治医师

  高 博 国家体育场运行团队媒体副主任

  高月戎(女) 张家口市商务局财务科科长、一级主任科员

  高文彬 北京工业大学学生,北京冬奥村(冬残奥村)志愿者

  高亭宇 国家速度滑冰队运动员

  郭 帅 北京冬奥组委志愿者部赛事服务处助理

  曹建伟 张家口市筹办冬奥会工作领导小组办公室保障部部长,张家口市崇礼区委常委、副区长

  崔 龙 国家高山滑雪中心场馆交通经理

  崔成志 承德御道口雍乾狩猎有限公司总经理,河北承德国家雪上项目训练基地主任

  康 英 北京冬奥组委监察审计部采购监督处主管

  梁 霞(女) 北京颁奖广场(延庆残奥颁奖广场)运行团队副秘书长兼颁奖仪式经理

  梁景怡 国家残奥高山滑雪队运动员

  隋文静(女) 国家花样滑冰队运动员

  董 蕊(女) 张家口古杨树场馆群运行副秘书长

  董光磊 制服和注册中心运行团队制服发放经理

  蒋 灿 中国残疾人特殊艺术指导中心、中国残疾人艺术团作曲、演员、演奏员

  韩 平 延庆冬奥村(冬残奥村)监督组组员

  韩 聪 国家花样滑冰队运动员

  程征涛(女) 河北省卫生健康委医疗评价指导中心副主任、副主任医师

  程淑洁(女) 国家速滑馆场馆运行秘书长

  谢向辉 北京市医院管理中心党委常委、副主任,主任医师

  蔡永军 国家障碍追逐队领队,江苏省舜禹信息技术有限公司董事长

  潘 骏 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会运行指挥部综合办公室秘书组成员

  潘晓智 首钢滑雪大跳台场馆运行团队通信中心经理

  薛 东 北京市石景山区电厂路小学校长、高级教师

  Ji Yajun (female) full-time counselor of Hebei North University, volunteer supervisor of Zhangjiakou Ancient Poplar Venues Group