
Some conservative groups that held a large-scale rally in Gwanghwamun on Liberation Day last month announced that they would hold a rally on the 3rd of next month as well.

The government has decided to take strict response, such as punishing simple participants if they are forced to conduct illegal assemblies.

This is Lee Hyun-jung reporter.


Some civic groups that hosted the Gwanghwamun rally on Liberation Day said they will hold the rally next month as well.

The'August 15 Rally Participants National Emergency Response Committee' held a press conference in front of the Seoul Jongno Police Station on the 16th and insisted on the government, "Guarantee freedom of assembly."

[Choeinsik / Free Democratic National Movement representatives: whether political quarantine how bad, in order to have a small wound to announce opportunities for Moon Jae regime to the conference report]

venue is Gwanghwamun Sejong Center for the Performing Arts North Park Road, reported personnel 1000 people is.

The government is in a position that it will respond strictly if the assembly is enforced.

[Sae-Kyun Jeong/Prime Minister: Please withdraw the assembly plan even now.

If the rally is enforced, I emphasize once again that the government will respond firmly in accordance with the laws and principles to protect the lives and safety of the people.]

According to the National Police Agency, 435 meetings were reported in downtown Seoul on the day of the opening day, with more than 10 people attending or Jongno. We have banned 87 cases reported to areas where assembly is prohibited.

Not only the organizers of illegal gatherings, but also simple participants can be punished.

The government will continue to persuade the assembly to refrain from assembly, and actively respond to the trial if a request for provisional injunction is filed with the court for objection to the order to prohibit assembly.