Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels hit the 10th home run of this season along with the league top in the raise game on the 6th.

Otani devoted himself to the pitcher in the game on the 5th, and became the second designated hitter in the raise game held in Anaheim, California on the 6th, and started as a batter for the first time in two games.

In the first at-bat of the first inning, the timing did not match the low change ball and it was a strikeout.

In the 3rd inning, which led 1 point, he caught the first ball in the second at-bat on the second base with 2 outs, and hit the 10th two-run home run of this season along with the league top in the middle right.

About a month after the opening of the season, Otani became a double-digit home run in the 28th game in which he participated as a batter, including simultaneous appearances in throwing, and set the fastest speed for Japanese players.

It's a much faster pace than the double-digit arrival in August of the first year, when I hit 22 of my own.

After that, the 3rd at bat in the 6th inning was a strikeout again, but in the 4th at bat in the 8th inning, an infield hit was made with a ball that hits the first base sharply. It went up to 3 minutes.

In the match, the Angels allowed a comeback in the 8th inning, losing 3-8 and losing 5 consecutive games.

On the other hand, Rays' Yoshitomo Tsutsugo was removed from the starting lineup and entered the first defense from the 8th inning, and although the turn at bat turned around in the 9th inning, he was hit by the center fly and was a no-hitter in one at bat.