Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels made a full appearance in the raise game on the 4th with the second designated hitter, but it was a no-hitter for the first time in two games.

On the 4th, Angels Otani started in Anaheim, California, where he played against Yoshitomo Tsutsugo's Rays, and was the second designated hitter.

The first at-bat of the first round was a left fly, although he caught a fast ball over 160 km from Rays starter Shane McLanahhan and carried it to the front of the fence.

The second at bat in the third inning caught a changing ball but was hit by the center fly, and the third at bat in the sixth inning hit the fastball in the middle and was a left fly.

In the 4th at bat of the 8th inning, he chose a walk on the first base without out and went to base, and then returned to the home with a hit by his teammates.

Otani scored three outfield flies and one walk in this game, making it the first no-hitter in two games and reducing his batting average to 20%, 6 minutes and 4 walks.

On the other hand, Rays's Tsutsugo, who was out of the starting lineup, was appointed as a substitute in the 6th inning no-out first base and second base, where the team led 2-0, but ended up with a strikeout.

In the match, Raise won 8-3, extending his winning streak to 3.

Otani is scheduled to start for the fourth time this season in the Rays match on the 5th.