Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels started in the Dodgers game on the 9th as a designated hitter and hit for the fourth consecutive game.

Otani started as the second designated hitter in the Dodgers match in Anaheim, California on the 9th.

This day was Mother's Day, and players and referees played with pink equipment, and Otani also entered the turn at bat with a pink bat.

The Dodgers starter was Trevor Bauer, who won the National League Cy Young Award last year, and Otani made four consecutive hits with an infield hit to the short in the first at bat. ..

In the second at-bat in the third inning to chase one point, he chose a walk in the scene of two-out first base, and the chance to reach full base was connected, and Otani stepped on the home of the reversal with the following batter's two-point timely two-base hit. It was.

In the 5th inning, the 3rd at bat did not match the timing of the low change ball and fell into a strikeout, and in the 8th inning, the 4th at bat played against the third right pitcher and became a center fly.

Otani had a batting average of 20%, 7 minutes and 6 at bats with 1 hit in 3 at bats in this game.

The match was won by the Angels 2-1.