Nowadays, new forms of employment such as food delivery, express delivery, and online car-hailing have become important choices for many people to work in cities.

One is that work is more flexible and free, and the other is that you run more and earn more.

Hard work and hard work, monthly salary can exceed 10,000 yuan.

  With the continuous increase of social attention, the professional identity and sense of pride of workers in new employment forms continue to increase.

However, we often overlook the point that they can get more income by doing over-hours and over-labor-intensive work at the expense of time and health.

And this income often needs to support the family.

This is also the reason why workers in the new form of employment are injured or ill, and would rather drag on rather than go to the hospital for treatment.

  "Without medical insurance, you will pay a few hundred dollars less when you go to the hospital." "Minor illnesses are dragging along with serious illnesses."

  Under the "precise" evaluation, reward and punishment mechanism of platform companies, some employees in the food delivery and express delivery industries are speeding, moving backwards, running red lights, "taking their lives to deliver goods, and running orders", making them vulnerable to injury and illness.

At the same time, because it is difficult for many new forms of employment workers to sign labor contracts with platform companies, they have not paid social security in the city where they are located, and the reimbursement for medical treatment in different places has not been fully interconnected, causing many people who have left their hometowns to face work-related injury compensation and medical treatment in the city. Difficulties in medical treatment and other aspects.

  In the final analysis, the "virtual" identity and the "dangling" social security are the main reasons why the occupational health rights and interests of new employment forms of workers are in a dilemma.

  As new employment forms provide a large number of flexible jobs, it is urgent to reposition the relationship between workers and platform companies, and further clarify the relevant standards for labor relationship confirmation.

  In other words, only by solving the problem of “fuzzification” of workers’ identities can platform companies be prevented from evading the application of labor laws and other laws and regulations, and give workers more protection and a sense of security.

At the same time, it is also necessary to continuously improve the social security system, break down "regional barriers", and establish a social security system that adapts to the characteristics of workers in new forms of employment.

  What is gratifying is that the protection of the rights and interests of these groups is being seen by more people.

  This year, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments have successively issued a series of documents to safeguard the labor security rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment.

  In August this year, the State Council Information Office revealed at a briefing that in response to the inadequate protection of accidents encountered by groups such as takeaway brothers in recent years, relevant departments are formulating occupational injury protection for flexible employees on the platform in accordance with the principle of emergency first. Measures, it is planned to carry out a pilot program for occupational injury protection, and strive to solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate occupational injury protection as soon as possible.

  In recent years, trade unions in various regions have also taken active actions to carry out new forms of employment, such as the establishment of labor unions and consortiums, to introduce these workers into the "union family", and to establish and improve mechanisms for expressing demands and rights protection services for workers in new forms of employment, etc. , And cooperated with relevant departments to introduce heart-warming measures in response to their pain points in medical treatment, labor security and other aspects.

  In short, safeguard the labor security rights and interests of workers with new forms of employment, and explore and improve medical security and occupational injury protection methods suitable for this group of groups, so that they can be "medicated" and "medicated" in the city.

  Xu Xinxing