• Accident at work in the Avellino area, worker crushed by machinery dies

  • Accident at work in Matera: tractor overturns, a worker dies


May 24, 2021 A worker fell into a manhole, making a flight of about 6 meters, this afternoon around 2.30 pm while working on the construction site for the construction of the new aqueduct in Viale Lavagnini in Florence.

The man, who was always conscious, was recovered by the fire brigade of the river alpine speleo core, who descended inside to reach it. Once rescued, he was entrusted to the 118 health workers and rushed to the hospital for the necessary investigations.

The man, a 49-year-old, was taken in red code to the emergency room of the Careggi hospital, where the exams are underway. According to what emerged, he never lost consciousness during the rescue phase and during transport to the hospital. On site also staff of the Asl, State Police and Municipal Police for traffic.