99 electronics companies more than 60% of the first three quarters performance is expected

  Our reporter Wu Shan

  Entering October, the switching speed of market hotspots has accelerated. Some previously active varieties have faltered a little in the near future, and the third-quarter performance pre-loving bids are undoubtedly the best candidates for market hotspots.

  "Securities Daily" reporters found according to Flush Data statistics that as of the close of October 16, a total of 99 listed companies in the electronics industry in Shanghai and Shenzhen had disclosed their three-quarter report performance forecasts. Among them, 61 companies with performance pre-happy companies accounted for 61.62%. , Ranking in the forefront of Shenwan's first-level industry.

  In this regard, Liu Youhua, a senior researcher at the private equity ranking network, said in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily that the electronics industry has grown very fast this year. Judging from the latest data released, the number of imported integrated circuits in my country hit a record high in September. The current prosperity of our country's electronics industry is at a historically high level, and domestic substitution is also accelerating, and many listed companies have overloaded their orders.

It can be expected that in the next two years, outstanding companies in this industry will continue to maintain rapid growth in their future performance.

  Judging from the estimated maximum year-on-year increase in net profit, 23 of the 61 companies that predict the third quarter report are expected to increase their net profit in the first three quarters by more than 100% year-on-year, including Derun Electronics, Huajin Capital, Tianhua Super Net, During the reporting period, the net profit of 10 companies including Oufeiguang all increased by more than 200% year-on-year.

Seven companies including Veken Technology, Tongfu Microelectronics, Genesis, Xiamen Cinda, *ST Huaying, *ST Dagang, and Xiaocheng Technology are all expected to turn losses into profits in the third quarter.

  Liu Yan, Chairman of Anjue Assets, who was interviewed by a reporter from Securities Daily, said that with the changes in the international political environment, domestically produced alternative markets have begun to show up. The arrival of the 5G technology cycle has gradually opened up market demand; the severe epidemic abroad has caused China to become the world. One of the few suppliers that can produce stable production, which brings new growth points to the electronics industry.

In the short term, the consumer electronics industry has entered the traditional peak season in the third quarter. In the second half of the year, benefiting from the release of flagship phones by Huawei and Apple, it will inevitably lead to a significant improvement in the third quarter performance of the consumer electronics supply chain.

  Good performance is the cornerstone of the stock price rise. Among the 61 three quarterly reports mentioned above, 48 companies have achieved varying degrees of stock price increase since October, accounting for 78.69%.

18 stocks, including Xinjie Energy, Leonwei, Netac Intelligent, JMT, Siripu, Chipsea Technology, and Sanxiong Aurora, all gained more than 10% during the period.

  Not only that, based on bullish factors such as the industry’s recovery, outstanding performance, and strong downstream demand, “electronic stocks may start a wave of considerable gains, which is expected to continue into the first quarter of next year under optimistic circumstances”, this view It is increasingly recognized by the market, and the next few months will be a season of electronic market that is worth looking forward to.

  He Jinlong, chairman of Umili Investment, said in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily that at present, the electronics industry and other industries that are promising for most institutions are bound to have rapid growth opportunities. The fourth quarter is expected to oversold and rebound, but this sector often has a relatively high With high volatility, investors can choose to innovate or product upgrades (micro-innovation) brought about by segmented stocks with strong demand, ultra-low valuations and outstanding performance stocks, waiting to rise.

  "Electronic stocks should still have good opportunities in the fourth quarter, but investors must be cautious and pay attention to individual stocks. After all, the valuation of some electronic stocks is not low." Liu Yan reminded that investors are advised to look for more certainty in the fourth quarter. Strong targets, especially listed companies with stable and reliable performance growth, avoid blindly chasing market hot spots.

(Securities Daily)