The American Endocrinologists Association defines obesity as a condition in which the body stores more calories than it burns, due to eating a lot of food, lack of physical activity, genetic factors, psychological diseases, taking certain medications or hormonal imbalance, and the association confirmed that weight gain It may not necessarily be due to the accumulation of fat, but may occur due to the accumulation of salt and water as a result of hormonal imbalance.

6 hormones that control your weight

Endocrine glands usually produce a specific amount of each hormone in order for the body's organs to carry out their tasks, from regular heartbeat to urination and burning calories. However, hormonal imbalances are becoming increasingly common with the fast and unhealthy lifestyle, other than the decline of some hormones with age It fluctuates throughout the month according to the different phases of the menstrual cycle.

Six hormones play a major role in a person's appetite, weight and mood: thyroid hormones, insulin, leptin, ghrelin, cortisol and estrogen, and these hormones either control the burning of calories consumed by the body or converting them into fats.

Here we will learn how your hormones work and manage them for an ideal weight.

  • Insulin

Insulin is responsible for storing fat, and it is one of the main causes of obesity when it increases by 30% among those who suffer from high insulin hormone or patients with diabetes, as stated in a research review published by the Massachusetts Medical Association that it is responsible for an increase of 20% of body weight from its ideal rate.

Excessive intake of food, fast food, sugar and refined carbohydrates lead to an increase in insulin levels in the blood, and to improve its levels, you must reduce the amounts of sugar you eat, and stay away from products containing glucose, fructose and artificial sweeteners.

Insulin levels are also reduced by following a low-carb diet rich in animal and plant proteins, sticking to 3 meals a day, taking magnesium and green tea supplements and exercising, and this diet will ensure an immediate drop in insulin levels and will lead to the disappearance of belly fat.

Excessive eating and fast food leads to an increase in insulin levels in the blood (Shutterstock)

  • leptin

It is the satiety hormone that we all yearn to activate. It sends signals to the brain when we have enough food, which reduces appetite and prevents overeating.

The crisis lies in the high levels of the hormone in the blood of obese people 4 times higher than the normal rate, but it does not work, which is called leptin resistance, and thus the brain does not realize that the body is getting what it needs from food, and believes that it is starving, and pushes the person to overeat. This is what happens whenever you try to lose weight.

High insulin hormone causes leptin resistance, and in addition to adhering to the rules of lowering insulin levels, you can eat more fatty fish, get enough sleep, and raise your body’s daily share of the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid, which is available in red meat, broccoli, tomatoes and spinach. It can be taken as an over-the-counter dietary supplement, following the directions on the package. The Bariatric Society has promised positive results for blood sugar, fat, and weight when taking alpha-lipoic acid and fish oil.

  • ghrelin

Ghrelin is known as the hunger hormone, and it is secreted by the body to alert the brain to its need for food.

In a normal situation, hormone levels rise before eating, and then decrease an hour after eating it, but what happens with an obese patient is a decrease in the level of ghrelin after eating, and the brain does not receive a signal to stop eating, which leads to a state of continuous hunger and an urgent need to meet it This was confirmed by a study by King Saud University on the association of ghrelin deficiency with high rates of obesity among Saudi women.

Ghrelin functions can be improved by avoiding products containing high fructose corn syrup, drinks sweetened with artificial sugar, and eating high-protein meals, especially breakfast.

To improve the functions of the hormone ghrelin, make sure to eat meals rich in protein, especially breakfast (Pixabi).

  •  cortisol

The body secretes cortisol at the first moment of stress that you feel, and that makes it necessary for survival, but its high percentage leads to overeating as a method of protection, because the body feels threatened.

This happens remarkably with a low-calorie diet, and cortisol levels rise, causing stress and the need to stock up on food.

If stress is unavoidable with the demands of family and work, you can reduce hormone levels by practicing meditation exercises, listening to calming music, and sleeping longer hours to better manage anxiety attacks.

  • estrogen

It is the most important female hormone, and it controls the functioning of her reproductive system, but unfortunately, its increase or decrease causes weight gain.

Hormone levels are affected by a number of factors such as age, pregnancy, childbearing, menstruation, menopause, and the environment in which you live.

Following a healthy lifestyle can help stabilize estrogen levels throughout the month and throughout a woman’s life, by not using plastic water bottles and bottles, and eating cabbage vegetables that include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, watercress, turnip, radish, carrots, and similar leafy vegetables. Acne, menstrual pain, menopausal symptoms, and certain types of cancer.

To lower insulin levels, you can eat more fatty fish such as salmon (pixels).

  • thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland secretes the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are responsible for providing the body with energy and building the body. A common condition of hormonal imbalance that causes obesity is hypothyroidism.

Insufficiency occurs when the gland does not secrete enough hormones, causing a slowdown in body functions, and one of its obvious symptoms is an increase in weight and waist circumference in particular.

To stimulate the thyroid gland, you can avoid foods rich in fat and sodium, and avoid soy and unnecessary iron supplements, because they affect the absorption of thyroid hormones.