3 signs that the iPhone charger may be dangerous

 A TECH safety expert has warned iPhone users to remain vigilant about "dodgy" charging cables.

Giuseppe Cabana, from the Electrical Safety Association, said that charging cables that are sold cheaply, may pose a risk of fire or serious electric shock, according to the British newspaper, The Sun.

He continued, "Counterfeit iPhone chargers are intentionally designed to look identical or similar to the original product in order to deceive consumers. Fake products often consist of poor quality components, which puts the buyer at risk, poses an especially insidious threat to the consumer, undermining legitimate manufacturers and retailers, while posing Oftentimes there is a risk of fire, dangerous electric shock, or even electrocution.

Counterfeit iPhone cables fall into two categories: counterfeit and non-certified.

It is noteworthy that a counterfeit product is a cheap product that is counterfeited to appear as if it was made by the "Apple" company.

The unapproved are those made by third-party companies without the approval of the iPhone maker.

All in all, if you buy an inexpensive cable from a reputable, Apple-certified retailer, the product is safe.

On the other hand, counterfeit and uncertified cables can be dangerous, and they have been blamed on numerous occasions for dangerous explosions, fatal electric shocks and house fires.

An investigation by ESF previously found that up to 98% of counterfeit Apple cables put consumers at risk.

And if you buy a charger from a discount store or online marketplace and aren't sure if it's fake, there are a number of clear clues to look for.

1. Check the package and cable

If you purchased a charging cable from a third-party seller, make sure it is Apple certified by carefully looking at the accessory's packaging.

Apple's MFi-certified third-party accessories have their packaging that says "Made for iPhone," "iPhone," or "iPad."

In addition, look for missing tags or misspellings in the text on the cable, Cabana said.

He continued, "This is the easiest way to spot counterfeit products, but beware, as counterfeit products are becoming more and more complex."

2. Look at the plug

It is a good idea to compare your charger with another charger from Apple.

Imitation accessories tend to be thinner and lighter in the hand.

As a result, you can test the plug pins for signs of a counterfeit product.

“Our tests have shown that the screws on fake plugs are much weaker than what is legally required by established standards. This is usually because they are hollow plastic covered with metal, rather than the solid metal used in the original products,” Cabana said. Big screw up and listen to the hollow sound it makes. The original components sound solid, while fakes will sound like a hollow plastic."

In addition, the finishing touches on the casing of the plug can indicate its falsity.

"The finish of the original charger is high quality, matte and uniform. In imitation chargers, the finish is usually glossy or glossy with imperfections," Cabana explained.

3. Weight, shape and dimensions

It is worth looking at the weight of the element and the connecting pins.

The phone is lighter than the original Apple product, and the screws may be the wrong size or shape.

"Since counterfeit chargers contain few, if any, high-quality components required for safety, they are usually much lighter than original chargers. The charger should weigh about 40g," Cabana said.

He continued, "The plug pins of a fake iPhone charger may be larger or smaller than the original charger and can be located in a different location. The easiest way to check is to use a component check tool for electrical safety first."