<Anchor> The

government has decided to organize the second supplementary budget.

He said that the tax was collected more than expected, and he would use it to revive domestic demand.

Opinions are divided over the target of the disaster relief payment, but small business owners say that compensation for corona losses should come first.

Reporter Hwa Kang-yoon will deliver this news.

<Reporter> In

line with the ruling party, which is emphasizing the need for a second supplementary budget every day, the government has formalized the policy of organizing the supplementary budget.

[Hong Nam-ki / Deputy Prime Minister of Economy: We will review additional financial reinforcement measures, that is, the formation of the second supplementary budget, for full economic recovery accompanied by employment recovery and inclusiveness.]

With the tax collected more than expected, he said he would focus on supporting the vulnerable and victims of the Corona crisis, including small businesses, along with vaccines, domestic demand, and employment measures.

There is no mention of the National Disaster Assistance Plan promoted by the ruling party, so it is interpreted that it was intended for selective support rather than universal support.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong strengthened this interpretation by drawing a line that the second supplementary budget would be financed only with excess tax revenue without issuing government bonds.

The financial authorities are concerned that universal support for all citizens is less effective than the amount of money invested.

Last year, the Korea Development Institute analyzed the effect of the first national disaster subsidy, and it was found that the effect of increasing sales compared to the input budget was only 26% to 36%, and the effect was small in the face-to-face service industry, which was particularly damaged.

Small business owners also appeal that compensation for the loss of the self-employed takes precedence over all national disaster relief funds.

[Na Do-eun / Small Businesses Emergency Action Coalition: Because (business restricted businesses) almost have a bankruptcy rate of over 50%. That's why we can't accept the part that we keep trying to tie it up with support.] The

opposition and opposition parties decided to resume discussions with the standing committee on the 8th with the goal of disposing of the Loss Compensation Act pending in the National Assembly within this month. Whether or not this is going to be the biggest issue.

(Video coverage: Jeong Seong-hwa, Park Dae-young, video editing: Kim Jong-mi)