Dr. Hans-Michael Molnfeld said limb pain attacks the arms, hands, feet, legs, shoulders, elbows and knees, and can occur in all age groups.

The general practitioner added that the pain of the limbs have several reasons, divided into organic and psychological, explaining that the organic causes are sports injuries, wrong body postures, and the wrong lifestyle such as smoking, drinking and sitting for a long time and obesity. The Soul

Organic causes can be serious, such as rheumatism (arthritis, osteoarthritis), tendinitis, osteoporosis, blood circulation disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. The Soul

The psychological causes of limb pain are depression, extreme stress, anxiety disorders and fear. The Soul

He stressed the need to consult a doctor if the pain persists for a long time, or if they are severe, pointing out that treatment is determined by the real reason behind the pain. The Soul

To prevent pain in the limbs should exercise motor activities outdoors, and exercise as exercises to strengthen muscles, taking into account the loss of weight and quit smoking and alcohol, as well as avoid the wrong postures of the body and stay away from stress positions and nervous tension.