Alexis Zaruba is one of those immortal figures in the memory of literature, such as Candid Voltaire, Hamlet Shakespeare, and Faust Goethe.

She is a character who was brilliantly described by the writer and philosopher Nikos Kaznitzakis in his most famous novel The Greek Zorba (1946), and Kazentzakis met a real Zorba on a cruise to the Greek island of Crete, where he would spend several months there to do some work, and they got acquainted on board the ship in a strange position My humor, and soon this brief conversation turned into an intimate friendship that brought them together, and the two agreed that Zorba would work under the command of Basil (the name of Kazentzakis in the novel) as the chief of the miners, and from here the long and deep adventures and controversies between these completely opposing characters began to understand life. Basil was a lover of reading books, and Zorba was an illiterate man, who repeatedly mocked him by saying: “Your books are spit on them, so not everything that is in your books” is indifferent to the fact that Basil or the capitalist master, as he liked to be called, He is the boss! Because Zorba was passionate about life in its fundamental and true sense, and Basil was deeply impressed by him and his own Zorbic philosophy on all things. What can Zorba teach us about life?

Zorba found in dance a rebellion against reality and a victory over all feelings. He was dancing with sadness, with anger, and with acquaintance too! On one occasion, she knew a woman who did not speak Greek, and when she wanted to say something she was dancing what she wanted to say, then Zorba was dancing what he wanted to say, and so they got to know each other. He also used to call out for dancing when expressing his feelings, saying to Bassel, after the bonds of friendship were tied, “I did not love anyone as much as I loved you. I have hundreds of things to say, but my tongue cannot pronounce them. That is why I will dance it for you! Leave aside so as not to shock you! Forward, hop! Hope ”, and from these scenes in the novel, the dance of Zorba, which came back from the core of Greek folklore, was emitted and turned into a popular movement around the world.

Zorba teaches us that "a good life is not too expensive", as he used to say, and that the freedom that all human beings seek is relative freedom, when he objected to his superior who said with confidence that he was free, and Zorba shook his head mockingly and said: “No. I am not free. The thread that draws you is longer than the threads of others. That's it. Your thread is long, boss. You come and go, and you think you're free, but you will never cut it. '' Happiness lies in Zorba's philosophy of doing the duty, by saying: “Happiness is the fulfillment of your duty, and the more difficult the duty, the greater the happiness.” And when he spoke about life, he detested half-things, in this he provides us with an important lesson, which is: “Doing the work Partly, just expressing things partly, and being partly good, is what makes the world so bad today. ” And if Zorba spoke about man, you would know that he is a devoted lover of all humanity, and he did not give any importance to nationalities and races, what he cares about in man, he said: «Is it honest or bad? This is the question I ask. ” Then he ends his phrase with a clever remark, summarizing the human destiny: “We are all brothers, and we are all feasts for worms!”, And Zorba received the troubles of life as receiving him for an old lover, and he used to say to Basil: “I am covered with wounds that heal, O President, so I can stand long,” as Zorba was. He lives the aesthetics of his day with his immediate details, not caring about what will happen in the future. Basil stated that Zorba saw things as if he saw them for the first time in his life, and this is the secret of his never being bored. This great novel is a literary demonstration in the face of literature itself, as Zorba rejected all kinds of culture, and chose life to have the best teacher .. But wait, Zorba, if not for literature we would not have known who Alexis Zorba is! is not it?

Note: There is one saying that I attributed to Zorba, and I created it myself, and you should look for it.


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