US President Donald Trump says the United States plans to pay for their security services on Friday (known as local time) when Prince Harry's husband and wife are known to have recently left Canada and moved to Los Angeles (LA) to settle in California, USA. There was no wedge.

President Trump said on Twitter that day, "I am a Queen and a very good friend and admirer of England." After reporting that "Harry and Meghan, who left England, will be permanently in Canada, now they are in Canada to come to the United States." "I left."

"But the United States will not pay for their security security issues," he said. "They have to pay!"

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who had previously declared independence from the British royal family, reportedly moved to Los Angeles from Vancouver Island, Canada, to take off on a private plane before the border between the United States and Canada was closed to settle in California, USA. There is.

Political media, The Hill, reported that the couple's move was in the middle of the Corona 19 Pandemic.

At the time of the 2016 presidential election, Prince Markle, an American actor, criticized President Trump through tweets, such as saying, 'If Trump is elected, I will move to Canada.'

In this regard, President Trump replied, "I didn't know if he was (so) nasty," in connection with criticizing Prince Mark when he was elected in an interview prior to a British state visit in early June last year.

President Trump's controversy about Prince Mark's date at the time was "he wasn't saying he was' poor. 'He said he was (poor) to me.' I think he's very nice. "I praised Prince Harry for saying," A very nice friend. "

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)