The phenomenon of follow-up series and drama by the local public, has recently spread significantly, some of these distinctive artwork extends parts to many seasons, which has been highly popular with viewers, of different age groups, despite the fees for material subscription in applications The important global content, which broadcasts technical content, such as the application «Netflix» and «Amazon» and «Stars Play» and others, it is a phenomenon that attracts attention and deserves to stand and discuss.

These international drama series include fantasy and historical content, such as "The Thrones of Clash" and "Vikings", and the content of excitement and crime such as "Professor and the Black Mirror", and time travel series such as "Dark" and "The 12 Apes Army" and others. These works have become the talk of the audience in the recent period, where the audience abandoned watching local, Gulf and Arab drama free, and replaced with the follow-up drama and serials and paid international. The fact that this information deserves confirmation that the audience (and here I am not talking about the audience) is committed to paying a monthly subscription for watching good content that meets his intellectual and entertainment tastes at the same time.

Good content is the whole story, although many of the series and dramas currently on show have achieved high viewing rates not part of the American Hollywood industry but from the production of the world's nations, which have gathered in one platform and presented their work to the world audience at the same time. . It is clear that a new language is evolving and attracting the public under the sweeping laws of globalization, capable of gathering millions of viewers around the world at the same time, to pursue a new season of their favorite series. Many are the conditions of competition in these modern channels, and what distinguishes them is the good content in addition to financial and modern techniques, in addition to the skills of directors and actors.

On the other hand, the Gulf and Arab drama ranges in its place, looks to the future with its old instruments itself, and addresses an old audience that is decreasing day after day. This drama has become isolated from itself, discussing important social issues, but in the same slow, repetitive technique, consuming biblical techniques, and simple content that reflects what currently exists in the world of television texts with medium acting capabilities, and unfortunately usually unconvincing, because it did not develop itself and did not Subject to professional experiences in acting and performance.

On the other hand, there is a permanent buyer of the goods, and committees agree to display this content, which reflects the ongoing crisis in satellite channels. It is unfortunate that those responsible use unwilling arguments to justify their forcible presentation to the public, but thus lose credibility and the rest of their audience. They ignore that as technology and media advances there is ruthless competition, and there are always losers and winners. In the field of drama, everyone knows who is the biggest loser!

Returning to the famous series with a large audience, we cite an example of an exciting scene of the series «Viking», where the boats invaders crashed on the walls of Paris, and with them disappointed the invasion of this city, but the acumen of leadership and planning can enter again! You can do this in fiction and in fact, by planning and understanding modern technologies in production and presentation, you can make the difference in drama. And in returning the audience to watch the abandoned free channels.

Are there works that have reached the international experience of the UAE drama long?

Were there any writers who provided remarkable content that went beyond the boundaries of the local walls?

Have professional actors and directors reached global level?

Perhaps the last question is: Is there clear support from local TV channels for Emirati creators and their dramas?

My answer was: No comment.

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